Chapter seven

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Blair 🎉: what? Jack you have no idea what you're doing.

Jack 🍀: I do

Blair 🎉: If you leave there's no going back

Jack 🍀: okay. I'm out.

Blair POV
I slammed my phone down on the table. I guess roadtrip has just lost a member. I grab my coat and head out the door. I need to deliver the news to the boys.
When I get to their house I just walk in without knocking. There is no time for that. "Boys!" I shout. One by one Brook, Andy, Rye and Mikey came downstairs. "Whats up?" Mikey asks throwing himself down on the sofa. "I have news" I sigh. The boys all sat down. "What's wrong boss" rye laughed. He stopped laughing once he saw the expression on my face. "I may aswell come right out and say it." "Jacks left the band" I say rubbing my temples. I looked at the reactions of the boys. Andy looked like he couldn't care less. Rye had his head in his hands. Mikey was biting his nails. Brook was crying. "This is m-my fault, I shouldn't of kissed-d him, stupid, stupid, stupid!" He stands up and starts punching the wall. I pull him into a hug. "It's okay mate, it's okay." Rye stood up now. "No it's my fault." He hung his head. "T-The reason he punched me, was because he was in love with Andy and he told me that and I still decided to date Andy." Brook looked up. "He was in love with Andy?" He whispered. Andy stood up and took ryes hand. "It's not your fault." He whispered in ryes ear. "I'd better go and let you guys have some alone time." I say. I give Brook one final hug and leave.

Brooks POV
He's gone. It hadn't processed through my head yet. Andy flopped down on the sofa and sighed. Rye sat down next to him and placed a hand on andys lap. Mikey got up. "I'm going to get some sleep, it's getting late." He whispered a single tear spilling from his eye. Mikey quietly went up stairs. "To be honest it's probably for the best." Andy said he held ryes hand. "What?! Jack leaving is for the best?! Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I scream. "He punched my fucking boyfriend!" Andy stood up to face me. Rye stood between us. "Babe go to bed please" he said to Andy. "Your the only reason your boyfriend got punched! It's your fault all of this happened! It's all your fault! If you weren't here none of this would have happened!" I screamed. Andy looked like he had just been punched.

Ryes POV
"Andy don't listen to him, he's just angry. Babe look at me" Andy looked like he was about to collapse. I took his arm and sat him in the sofa. "Babe it's okay. It's not your fault" I start. "He's right" Andy whispered. "It's all my fault" "No, no, no it's not it's not" I tried to talk but he wasn't listening. He turned to face me. "Rye, I love you more than anything in this world, I'm so sorry but never ever forget that I love you." He kissed my lips softly and stood up. "I'll see you soon okay" he said tears streaming down his face. He turned to brook. "I'm sorry" was all he could say. "Andy no wait, where are you you going?" I asked following him out the door. He didn't answer. He walked up to his car and got in. I knocked in the window. "Andy please don't do this, don't go." I said in tears as he rolled down the window. He smiled softly and stroked my cheek. " I love you Ryan Beaumont" he said and with that he drove off.

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