Not Enough

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Greeting my lovelies:)

Haven't updated in a while, sorry. Here's the update, hope you enjoy it xox Peace out



Zain's POV

I open one eye and feel a ray of sunlight beaming through the car windows.

I take in my surroundings and realise that I'm at the cemetery in a car.  Kaeleigh's car.

Shifting my eyes to see her sleeping figure, I smile to myself as her head is rested on my chest,  my arms wrapped around her waist and her breathing,  slow and even.

How did I get so lucky?

I watch her sleep for a bit longer until she groans and stirs in my arms.

“Good morning beautiful” I say to her,  pecking her forehead.

She wipes the sleepiness from her eyes and smiles shyly,  it's the cutest thing.

She didn't want to go home last night so we decided to crash in the car.

“What time is it?”

I check my phone and tell her it's quarter to eight.

She quickly scrambles off of me and start the car abruptly, murmuring words under her breath.

"Baby calm down", I place a hand on her back to reassure her.

She turns to face me, her body relaxing and a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

After processing what I had just said, I could feel a blush boiling in my own cheeks.

"Uhhh..... I mean, I........" she giggled at my sudden stuttering and I could feel my cheeks overheating even more.  I feel like a girl just by how my body is acting.

"Are you blushing?" she said, trying to hold in her laugh, I just looked away from her. "Is the great Zain Malik blushing? Well I never!" she continued to rant on.

Before I knew it she was sitting on my lap with the biggest grin spread across her face. "I made you blush, I made you blush" she sang and giggled like a little 5 year old girl.

Before she could sing that line again, I crashed my lips onto hers, satisfying my hunger for her lips. They were soft and welcoming. It took her a few seconds to react, nothing longer.

She kissed me with the same amount of force, my hands resting on either side of her waist and her fingers tugging at my hair. I lick her bottom lip and she allows me entrance straight away like she was longing for my taste.

Our tongues continued to explore each others mouths, our hot breaths mingling.

We stay like this for a while until a brutal vibrating took place.

Our lips rip apart and we search for the source of vibrating.

"Oh crap, we better get going. It's 7:30" she hurries to start the engine, then pecks my lips lightly before putting the car in drive.


Kaeleigh's POV

They say that waking up next to the one you love is the best thing ever, and quite frankly I found it to be true when I woke up in Zain's arms this morning.

His body warmth radiating off on me and I didn't want to leave his side.

We were on our way home at the moment.

Silence hovered in the air, not an awkward one but a comfortable one, the radio playing quietly in the background.

I turn into my driveway, both Zain and I getting out of the car.

He walked me to the door, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

“Meet you in 10 kaye?” he whispered sweetly before walking next door to his place.

I turned the door knob quietly and squeeze through the little space.

“Kaeleigh Damita Jay Daniels! Where the hell have you been?!” I turn around to come face to face with my dads furious face.

“I needed to think” I reply softly, not wanting to make eye contact.

“Thinking?! the least you could've done was ring me to let me know. Oh, and the principal called and told me about the stunt you pulled! where the hell do you get off hitting other people for no reason?!" his growling growing louder and louder.

My fists curl into a ball and my anger began to build up.


I see his eyes soften a bit but my anger could not be calmed.

“Honey, I know how you fe....” I cut him off, “no dad, you don't know how it feels. You don't know how I feel when I'm at school or where ever I go. It's different, you had 22 years with her, I didn't have enough time with her” I ramble on about how I felt.

I didn't stop there though, “I won't get to plan my wedding with her, she won't see me graduate, she won't be there for my first heart break, she won't get to see any of my kids in the future. It's not fair..... it's not fa...i.. r” by then tears were pouring down my cheeks like a waterfall and I was on the ground curled up in a ball.

I felt my dads arms wrap around me and I instantly lean into his embrace, forgetting everything that had just happened, leaving the big empty hole inside me filled with mixed emotions.

He whispered comforting words in my ear trying to calm me down.

“Was it me? Is it my fault why she left?” my mouth was quivering when I said this.

I looked up to meet my dads concerned eyes, “what? no honey, your mother was depressed way before you were born, she just finally had enough. It had nothing to do with you, you were her whole universe” his voice sounded like it was about to crack.

“A week before your mothers death, she told me that you were the most important thing to her, that if everything was different, she'd devote her life to taking care of you, being there for you. I didn't understand why she was saying that until now” his words broke my heart even more and I could see the tears running down his face and like he did me, I wrapped my arms around as we both cried in each others arms.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and turn to see Zain crouching down next to me and my dad.

He hugged both me and my dad. When we all pulled away, I decided on not going to school.

I spent the day at home with Zain and my dad, sharing a day of tears, laughter and jokes.

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