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  Bailey sighed as she walked into her new school. Lucky for her she was just starting high school and hardly anyone at the school knew anyone. But she still had to make new friends and she was horrible at that. Bailey was shy. She hated to admit it but it was true. Ever since 1st grade she really wouldn't talk in her classes unless she was called upon by her teachers to answer a question.

  She groaned as she forgot her lock combination for her locker. So she grudgingly took her book bag off her back and opened the small pouch in the front to look for the piece of paper that held the pass code. She finally found it and took it out. 4-29-10. As she read it she played it over and over in her head she then looked at the lock placed firmly into her locker so that it would keep it shut.

  Bailey finally got her locker to open after at least a million tries. She smiled In triumph as she opened her locker and got all her books ,except for her math book, and put it In her locker. She, then put her Math book on top of her purple binder that she held in her arms. Then Bailey looked at her schedule and it read Math for first period, biology for second, p.e for third, Language Arts for fourth, and for her last two periods she had art and computers.

  "Yes"She whispered to herself as she had noticed that she chose the right book. She had Math first and she had chosen her Math book. She smiled to herself as she closed and locked her locker. Bailey turned on her heels and started walking to her new class that was room #25.

  Her smile faded as she realized there were no students In the hallway. Bailey panicked as she started to walk faster until she found the room. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

  Conner was sitting somewhere in the middle of the room. He didn't have a friend in that class so the only empty seat in the entire class was the seat next to him. He's usually talkative but at the moment he felt like going to sleep.

  He suddenly lost track of whatever he was doing when he heard the door open. A girl with light brown hair up to mid back, about 5,7, tan skin, and brown eyes with specks of red, walked through the door and went to Ms. Pearly's desk.

  She talked with her then started to walk to where he was sitting. He was happy that he got to sit next to such a beautiful girl." I hope Conner won't give you to much of a problem, but if he does your welcome to tell me anytime. Right Conner?" Ms. Pearly said to Conner.

  "Right" He said as he turned to the beautiful girl who was sitting next to him now.

"So what's your name?" He asked her.

"Oh umm... Bailey" She said barely above a whisper.

"Oh, well hey Bailey I'm Conner." He said holding his hand out for her to shake.

"Hi" She said a little clearer this time and took his hand and shook it very lightly.

"Your very quiet aren't you?" He asked as he noticed that the bell rang."If you want you can hang out with me during lunch.

"Really! You meant it?" She asked lightly and looked into his brown eyes that had specks of blue.

"Yeah I mean it" He laughed at her excitement.

  "Oh umm sorry" Bailey said hanging her head down as she noticed she acted to skittish.

"Its ok" he laughed. As Bailey walked to her next class, she smiled knowing she know had a friend. He has light brown hair that's spiked up with gell, brown eyes like her but he had specks of blue in it, and he was about 6,1.

  Bailey's brain was stuffed with what the classroom rules were and what her teacher's name's were, so by the time she got to lunch she had a major headache. As she walked to her locker to put her books away she felt a light tap on her shoulder. This caused her to turn around, but for her luck she turned to fast so her head started to spin so she had to she had to press her temple.

  "Whoah easy there Bailey!" Conner said as he steadied her.

"Sorry" She whispered.

"What are you saying sorry for?" He laughed. "Come on"

  Bailey followed after Conner, swerving around people in the hallway, seeing as if she slowed down she would lose him. "Wait" She laughed as she soon caught up to a very amused Conner. Conner was leaning against the door to the cafeteria waiting for her.

  "Aha! I finally got you to speak louder" He joked as he lead her to the lunch line.

"You hungry?" He asked turning to face Bailey.

"Not really." She shyly smiled.

"Alrighty then. I guess I'll show you who I hang out with. Don't worry they're girls too" He smiled, as Bailey knew he saw her worried face.

  Conner lead her to a table in the far left corner of the cafeteria. Bailey saw identical twins with the same dirty blond hair and green eyes. They were both boys and had a nicely toned body. The twins were talking and laughing with another boy who had jet black hair and brown eyes. All three boys were about the same height as Conner.

  Next to them were two girls. One girl had dyed her hair a dark red and had icy blue eyes. The other girl had Olive green eyes and Brown hair with dyed tips that were Electric purple. Both girls were about the same size as Bailey.

  As Conner led Bailey to the tables he saw her analyzing whoever was on the table.

"Don't worry they are all nice and friendly" He smiled as he took her hand to lead her the rest of the way.

"Hey guys!"He said letting go of Bailey's hand and waving at his friends.

"This here is Bailey" He said gesturing towards her. "She's new and a bit shy so take it easy on her. Especially you Jayden" He joked, to his friend with jet black hair.

"Hey! I haven't even done anything yet!" He joked back.

"Whatever" Conner laughed as he roled his eyes playfully.

  The rest of lunch, Bailey got to meet all of Conner's friends. The twins, Audrey and Dallas Cutler, were both very friendly. Jayden Spike, well he's the jokester in the group. He just loves to tell jokes and play pranks. Emma Wilson was the girly girl. She loves red and pink (and also a clutz), and anything that any stereotypical girly girl would do. Madison Villanova was the smartest one. Well that is until Bailey decided to join. Madison and Bailey are now the nerds of the group.

  After about a week at Cherry wood high she finally got use to her new group so she wasn't as shy as before. She still was shy but not as much.


  Yayyyyyyyy I was able to finish it before the 1st of September ^·^!!!!!!!!

  Well I hope you comment and tell me what you think about my prologue? I honestly think it's short but oh well.

See you later alligators (I'm so weird)


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