A City Girl and A Country Bumpkin pt.2

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Rarity's POV- After AppleJack finished making the bed I put on some clothes. We left out of the house and rode in her rusty truck. I didn't really like the thing but, it was cute how it fitted her so much. We drove to the iHop, when we got there she opened the door for me, how polite, we sat down by a table that was in the back. she also pulled my chair out. how cute!

"hey..." she said as she smiled at me.

"hi." i said as i smiled back.

"you know...we could possibly count this as a date, right?" she asked blushing.

"Yes." I said as I giggled. She was so adorable, her blonde hair, and freckles were so cute.

"Ha,good, I want it to be good, even though, it's only breakfast, I still wanted it to go great." She said as she put her hand on my mine.

"Are you ready to order?" A server had asked us.

"Hm, yes, I am. Are you rarity?" She asked.

"Hm...just give me what you get." I said as I sat up in my seat.

"Alright, well, we'll take pancakes with two cups of orange juice and bacon and eggs on the side. Scrambled. Not...with the yellow stuff showin." AppleJack said as she looked at me.

"In a moment ma'am." They said as we handed them our menus and waited.

"So..." I started.

"So? What do you want to do later on?" She asked.

"Well I've always wanted to go stargazing... Wouldn't that be nice?" I said as I smiled and touched her hand.

"It would be." She said as she smiled back.

While were talking some people come over and interrupt us. It's snipes and snails.

"Oh, looky what we have here. A couple of Rainbow Dash's friends." Snails said.

"What do y'all want?" Applejack said as she eyed the two.

"Just to let you know that there's a man made for every woman. Not a woman made for every woman." Snails said as he stuck his hands in his pockets and winked at me.

"Why don't y'all just go?" She said with her voice firm.

"Why don't you get some dick?" Snails asked staring at applejack.

She quickly got up and looked at him. She was rather taller than him so it was funny when looked up at her.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and leave me and my girlfriend alone? Sounds like a plan? I bet. And if you don't, you and your buddy here would need to get a taste of ApplePie. Now go!" She said as glared at him angrily.

I was really turned on but yet I wanted Jackie to sit down a let them two go.

"Alright.. Alright..were going." Snails said as he backed away.

When applejack sat down Snails turned around and slapped her hat off.

She quickly got up and slapped him as hard as she could.

He fell to the ground and applejack grabbed my hand and we quickly went to her truck.

Even though she was mad she didn't take her anger out on me, or explode, she avoided it.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"This really calm place, I like it a lot, it's really really sweet there." She said as she turned and smiled at me while she drove off.

We drove by a cliff side where the wind was really warm and breezy.

I didn't want to get out, but, she was in a really bad mood so what else was I supposed to do.

She had gotten out and sat by a tree, I sat down next to her. I rested my head on her shoulder and held her hand.

"Hi." She said

"Hello" I said

"Still wanna go stargazin?" She asked?

"Why of course" I said as I smiled at her and kissed her behind her ear.

She was blushing. I liked it. Being with her. She made me feel really special.

She looked at me.

"I'm sorry our first date wasn't so... First date material." She said as she looked at our hands.

"It's alright... It was different and...well...I'm okay with different." I said while I blushed looking at her.

She laid her head on my lap. I stroked her hair gently as she closed her eyes softly.

"She was falling asleep" I thought.

I let her lay there, I didn't want to wake her, she looked peaceful.

It was really warm this morning. Nearly afternoon, the way it looked was the way it could be described in a fairy tale.

She woke up shortly after.

"Was I asleep?" She asked

"Y-yes..." I said as I looked at her.

"Heh, well, come on." She said as she got up and took my hand.

"Where are we going, dear?" I asked.

"Home." She said as we walked towards the truck.

"Why home?..it's really nice here." I asked.

"Because..I've found something and I realized it's not always here. It's sometimes when your with someone who you really care about..." Jackie said as she blushed and walked over to my door and opened it for me.

I looked at her.

"Oh...a-applejack.." I said as I blushed dark red.

"Heh, time to go." She said as we got in and left.

Our conversation the entire time was about each other, she asked me things, and I've asked her things.

She flirted with me non stop and it was cute how she smiled after every attempt.

AppleJack's POV- When me and Rarity drove home she laughed at every joke.

That, I liked.

I had to drive her home because she well... She had a motorcycle and .. Didn't have a car.

"So, stargazing?" She asked.

"I'll pick you up as soon as the moon comes up." I said as I looked at her.

I went to open the door for her.

When she got out we hugged and she kisses me gently on the lips.

"Bye.." She said as smiled and kissed me one more time.

"Bye.." I said back as I walked to the door of my car and and smiled back.

I saw her walk Into her house as I drove off. How amazing. This was really... Amazing I can't believe that this is happening.

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