Dreams can really mess with your head.

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Rarity's POV- After applejack and I left sugar cube corner we went to her truck.

"Is it okay I can sleep over?" She asked.

I nodded.

When we made it to my house I ran straight into my room, I had a feeling AppleJack would follow me, but she didn't, all she did was sit on my couch and mess with her phone.

"I'm going to lay down..." I said as I looked at her.

"Oh y-yeah , go head." She said as she still messed with her phone.

"....I'm going to BED!" I shouted.

She didn't say anything.

I shut the room door and undressed.

When I laid down I snuggled with my pillow because there was no one sleeping with me.

I felt myself drift off to sleep.

---Rarity's Dream---

I looked around and there were diamond everywhere.

"Oh! Shiny things!" I shouted.

I looked at them. When I touched them they felt like marshmallows.

I noticed I was standing on a leaf, like I was ant or maybe an inch small.

I heard the sweetest voice calling my name.

I started floating up towards the voice.

The closer I got, the higher I flew, until suddenly I dropped. I landed on a pillow.

"Ouch." I said softly into a moan.

Every time I moved on the pillow I became more turned on.

I let out so many moans it was unbelievable.

When I made it to the edge I saw a gigantic swimming pool, I dived in only realizing I landed inside a galaxy.

After I got out, i wasn't wet at all. I stepped on a ledge which pulled me off to a cliff, I was falling, I can feel myself drop, but suddenly I was caught.

By a masked hero who felt so much like my girlfriend AppleJack, her hat, her strength.

When she put me down she took off her mask.

"A-AppleJack?" I said

When she looked at me she took my hand.

"I love you." I said.

She looked at me and smiled.

"To bad..." She let go of my hand.

"If only I loved you." She said.

My life just fell into the ground.

When I looked up I saw that the girl raspberry touch had appeared.

I don't even want to look at her.. The way she tried stealing applejack from me. That bitch!

"Ha, poor little Rarity, can't keep ahold of what's yours!" She said.

In a flash I saw her and applejack kiss each other.

My heart broke into a million pieces.

---Rarity's Reality---

I woke up with tears running down my face. I looked around and i saw applejack in my bed. She was asleep.

I couldn't even look at her the same. I knew that it was a dream.. But it felt so real.

"Hey....what's wrong." She said as she rubbed my back.

"Don't touch me!" I said.

"What did I do?" She said as she sat up.

"Why don't you go ask raspberry touch!" I shouted.

"Raspberry touch?...oh my god! That was one time! One fucking time!" She shouted as she got up out of my bed.

"Where are you going?" I said

She started putting clothes on.

I followed behind her. "Tell me!"

"I'm going to go ask her." She said as she threw her jacket on.

"I can't believe you!" I said as she started to leave.

"Yeah, well I can't believe you..." She said as tears ran down her face.

"I ..." I started.

"You what? Tell me now...because I will leave right now without knowing what you have to tell me." She said as her voice cracked.

"I love you!..." I said as I cried.

"What?...." She said as she walked toward me.

"I love you AppleJack..." I said again.

She walked toward me and put her forehead on mine, wiping away my tears.

"I love you too." She said as she kissed me softly.

"But...in the dream.." I said.

"You'll never have a dream where I tell you I don't love you...if you did then clearly it was a nightmare." She said as she kissed me again.

I cried on her shoulder. She soon carried me back inside and laid next to me on the bed.

"I love you..." I said again.

"I love you too." She said as she kissed my forehead and stroked my hair.

It felt nice.

I started falling asleep, but this time, applejack fell asleep with me.

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