Chapter 4: Sandwich

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After the tour around the house i was finally stress free. I decided to go to my room and rest. But guess who was snooping around? Baekhyun was eating sandwiches which were made for me, and inspecting my TV. It was quite strange seeing him looking around the room which was in his own house. Didn't he have time to inspect the guest room when there were no guests?

Baekhyun noticed me looking at him, so he quickly swallowed the whole sandwich and almost choked. He started coughing violently, while i just stood there and pretended i didn't see how he choked on M Y Sandwich. From his looks he might seem refined and even intelligent young man, but honestly, judging from experiences i had with him, he isn't the brightest.

"What did she say to you?" He asked while still coughing.

"She asked me to spy on you, just like you said" I was about to lose my nerves because his unstoppable coughing was so loud i had to shout "I took the money she gave me and accepted her request though"

His coughing magically stopped as i said the last words "Wha- Why, didn't i told you to decline her request to spy on me?"

"Well you actually didn't tell me to decline her request, you just warned me about it" I recalled his words and continued "If i took the money, it doesn't mean i will actually report everything"

Baekhyun sat down on my bed and decided to hear me out, but this face still screamed 'doubt'

"You'll just have to be a bit more careful about your... relationships? When your mother asks me about it, i'll just say that i looked after you for a while and it looks like you have changed"

After thinking for a while Baekhyun agreed and went out of my room because somebody was calling him.

I was left alone. Finally. I laid on my bed to nap, but i couldn't even close my eyes.

I started wondering about Baekhyun. I can't blame Baekhyun if he is searching for his soulmate. He shows his mark to everyone by not covering it. Some people cover it, so they won't be tricked by others drawing same mark on their body. Maybe he already has found his soulmate? Maybe that older lady was his soulmate? Or does he spend time with women he finds attractive and later asks them if they have a mark, if they do, he sleeps with them and finds mark on their body-

Okay this is too much.

I should stop trying to figure Baekhyun out. After all, i shouldn't stick my nose in other peoples business and live my life.

While thinking about Baekhyun, his family and other stuff i managed to fall asleep.

When i woke up, it was already 11 am. I'm surprised that i rested quite well even after everything that happened yesterday. I rubbed my eyes and got up from my bed to get dressed. After getting dressed, putting light makeup on and making myself look like a human being, i grabbed watering pot and headed to the garden.

While watering the flowers i convinced myself that all of this was worth it. Relaxing feeling i get from being around flowers and high pay is worth my mental health getting destroyed by drama and lies.

"Spaced out again i see" Baekhyun suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "I was calling you but you didn't react at all, it seems like you are a person who thinks too much"

I don't know why he talks to me like he's my therapist, but his diagnosis might be right. I do think too much "Sorry, i was just thinking about... all this, you know?"

Baekhyun came closer and squatted to look the flowers i was watering. After taking a good look at the flowers, he turned his eyes in my direction "Don't worry too much, i'll take care of you"

"...That sounds a bit-"

"I always wanted a cute little sister that i could take care of and spoil" Baekhyun said as he stood up and made a little smile.

"Thanks, but i would like to decline this honorable title" I quickly responded to his nonsense with flustered face from either anger or embarrassment. Does he even think before speaking? Little sister? He probably isn't even older than me!

"Either way, we are partners in crime, so you'll have to trust me, if something bad happens i'll help" He added and walked back home from the garden.

I didn't expect him to be this friendly to me. He is annoying, but it's better than him being rude and arrogant like i secretly expected.

After a good two hours of work in the garden i decided to head back to the mansion to maybe eat something and text my aunt.

Few moments later, i understood something. I don't remember where the kitchen or the dining room is. I could try searching for it but i'm just too lazy. I'll just go to my room and eat chocolate bars i have in my bag.

As i was eating chocolate and watching tv in my room i didn't even notice that it's already evening. As i was getting ready to grab another chocolate bar, i heared a knock on my door. Being lazy mess i am, i didn't even stand up to open the door and just yelled "COME IN"

Surprise, surprise it was Baekhyun. He opened the door carefully and saw me laying on my bed, trash all around me. He brought a sandwich with him and looked at me with a worried expression "Sorry for eating your sandwich yesterday, this is for you" he handed me a sandwich.

"No worries" I took the sandwich and placed it on the table near bed "I'm sorry too, if it wasn't for me accidentally seeing you that day, you wouldn't have to be careful now" i apologised.

"Ah it's nothing. Sooner or later, someone else would've seen me, and consequences could have been even worse"

Baekhyun sat on my table and took out his phone. He searched for something through it and gestured me to come."Why is she so difficult to understand?" Baekhyun asked as he showed me his phone's screen. As my eyes focused on the screen, i saw a chat.

[ You can just take your stuff and go, it looks like we aren't fated to be together]

[ I'll come to get my stuff tomorrow, k?]

[ I can't believe you!]

I looked at him and sighed deeply "I, too, can't believe you said that"

"What's wrong with what i said?" Baekhyun questioned me completely confused "She said to come get my stuff and i said i will!"

"You poor fool" I said as i shaked my head in disappointment "Maybe me coming here wasn't a mistake"

"Hey! What do you mean!" Baekhyun shouted at me playfully moments before he started laughing and i joined him.

G'day! Once again thank you for reading this story and waiting for updates. Don't forget to vote and comment, bye^^/

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