Part 2 : The blood system
Function of blood
Blood carries nutritive substances from the gut to the tissues
Pick up O2 from lung to tissues
Carries CO2 from tissues to lung
Transport metabolic waste products to kidney for disposal
Carries various substance into the target tissues
White blood cells serve as a defense mechanisms of the body
Regulate body temp and pH of body fluids
*Clotting mechanism
To stop loss of blood
Repair the damaged of blood vessel
Formation of blood cells
Process of the blood cells formation----Hae-mato-poiesis
[Occurs in red bone marrow]
Ery-thro-poiesis [Formation of red blood cells]
Leu-co-poiesis [Formation of white blood cells]
Throm-bo-poiesis [Formation of platelets]
Blood Cell Anatomy and Function
* Leu-ko-cytes [White blood cell]
1. Granulo-cytes [Contain granules in their cytoplasm]
a. Eosinophils [ Bi-lobed nucleus]
- Kill parasites
-Break down histamine in allergic reaction
b. Neutro-phil [ Multi-lobed nucleus]
-Consume foreign particles/ bacteria and digest them
c. Baso-phils [Irregular nucleus]
- Release anticoagulant and histamine
2. A-granulo-cytes [Not contain granules in cytoplasm]
a. Mono-cytes [ Large single nucleus]
- Largest leucocytes
-Important function in immunity
- Consume large particles
b. Lympho-cytes [Large round, single almost filled the cell nucleus]
-Play important role in immunity
Disorders of blood
1. Leukemia [Abnormal production of white blood cells]
-Excess production of WBCs interferes with normal RBCs and platelets formation----[anemia and excessive bleeding from minor injury]
-Easy bleeding / bruising
-Frequent infection
2. Anemia [decrease in the no. RBCs or hemoglobin]
-Lower ability for the blood to carry oxygen to body tissues
-Lack of energy
-Shortness of breath
-pale skin