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    Warning: May get a little heated.................................................Get your heads out of the gutter, not that way. I was thinking about the song Tonight I'm Lovin you for this but I thought better not. I know the reall version and no, I'm not putting that on my story. 


 Niall and I got on the plane, first class and he bought wifi. He was on his phone while I was on my laptop, I have this youtube channel where I vlog about my day with the boys, I film them doing the funniest things and a lot of twit cams. I open up my laptop and message Aly, I see her answer and I almost freak out a bit while I tell her about my trip. Niall pays no interest to us until I mention how can't wait to see her, he pouts.

"So I heard your going to Italy."

"Yup, so how are you and Jake?" I wiggle an eyebrow, they got together after about a month of knowing eachother.

"Good, have you talked to Mark?" 

"No, I really don't want to, he did that to me. I'm thinking about telling Jake since it is his cousin, but on the other hand, Jake will probably kill him like some other guy I know."

"Jake and Niall teaming up would be very bad, plus they would get in trouble."

"Exactly why I was hoping you could help me, he is your boyfriend."

"I'll tell mine if you tell yours."

"Fine, but you have to and I'm calling him tonight to make sure."

"I'm calling yours then,too."

        With that we hung up and Niall was looking at me with a blank expression. I had to tell him, had to, but what if? There's always that what if, always.

"Mark is Jake's cousin and he is kinda an ex that won't leave me alone. But Jake will handle it and not you because you love me too much to go hurt him." I finished that last part kinda quickly, his eyes soften and his famous smirk appears.

"ceart go leor (fine), я тебя люблю (I love you)." He is such a charmer, I hear a cough and a very rude comment, it takes everything for Niall not to say something and I on the other hand, didn't promise anything.

"Да, глупо молодые любви, я пытаюсь прочитать (Oh shut up, stupid young love, I'm trying to read)."He said, Niall's face showed his emotion, anger, the guy spoke Russian and all faces seemed to not understand except a few, my turn to talk.

"Перейти читать документ что-либо другое, то вы не должны прислушаться к нам и кроме того вы не должны оскорблять ( Go read your paper somewhere else then, you don't have to listen to us and besides You shouldn't insult) Niall Horan. He is from One Direction any way, piss off." I smiled, I heard clapping and saw the people applauding me and I did a small bow before sitting again. Niall was laughing really hard, he kissed my head and said 'I love you' in english, we got awwed. 

~~~~~~~~~~Skip the  plane~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Niall and I got off the plane and got drove to a wonderful hotel in Catania, it was beautiful. Niall was complaining on how hungry he was, we found a small cafe on the corner of town, Niall was cluless when she asked what we wanted to drink, good thing I also know Italian.

"Due bicchieri di Coca Cola, siamo spiacenti, non conosce l'italiano ( Two Cokes please, sorry, he doesn't speak Italian)."She gave a small laugh and spoke english for him.

"So, that will be two cokes? Okay, be right back, here." She set a map on the table of Catania, Niall was very confused, she was setting our drinks down.

"My dear Niall, I can speak a lot of languages, when you go on tour you will find out that I can speak more then you think. Ha Ha, you better get used to different languages quickly if I am going to stay your." He garbbed my hand, I swear I heard him say 'Oh boy', the waitress laughed so I know I'm not going crazy. When she came back, she spoke English but I answered before he could.

"Spaghetti con due del pollo e due cookie ( Spaghetti with two of the chicken and two cookies)"  Niall gave me another confused look.

"Don't worry, you'll like it." She said that to him before walking away, my turn to surprise him, he heard only cookie out of my order, hehe haha.

The food came and he looked up at me with love in his eyes, she was setting our chicken down when he said the words.

"This is just like first date, only  in Italy and London." I shook my head yes, the girl gave us a candle to help the perfection, saying he was happy would be an understatement. We ate, but we didn't try the moment again, didn't want it to back fire again. We walked around until we came to the shore, the beach was beautiful and Niall grabbed my hand to drag me back. Literally, dragged me back to the hotel and we're on the 7th floor so he was jumping in the elevator, I thought we were for sure gonna get yelled at. He went in the bathroom before I could, so I had to change quickly, he came out of the bathroom and stopped. He eyed me up and down before crashing his lips to mine, he picked me up and brought me to the bed, not breaking the kiss. He flips us over so he's on top, his hands beside my hand to hold him up, his hand goes down my body, that's when we break. I close my eyes, breathe and when I open my eyes Niall is kissing my jaw, I put my hands on his chest and try to push him away. I duct under his arm and get off the bed to the bathroom, I look in the mirror to find a love bite on my shoulder, my eyes widen, I hear Niall asking what's wrong from the other side of the door. 

        I open the door to see Niall worried, I sigh and tell him.

"I got up before things went too far *sigh* sorry." He pulls me into a Horan hug before grabbing my towel and his, he starts for the door and realizes I took out my pony tail to have it down.

~~~~~~~~~NIall POV~~~~~~~~

I tilt my head like a dog, her hair is down, I don't get why.  As we got in the elevator I saw that she had a love bite, oops, I see why she would want that covered and the beach is full of people. She's standing in front of me, waiting for the stop and I kiss her bite, she shivers and I see a smile appear on her face. I rest my head on her shoulder, a stop brings and older couple, again.

"See what I mean Niall." She gives a small laugh before turning around again, I rest my chin on her shoulder and giggles, I wrap my arms around her waist waiting, the elevator goes slow at first and then stops all together. My heart rate picks up, I hate small spaces and Kat knows that, a voice come through saying they'll fix it and it will take an hour. I try to stay calm but I was losing it, Kat wraps her arms around my waist and kisses me lightly on the lips. I know she's trying to calm me down, it's working a little, the couple smiles at us, Kat returns the smile and lays her head on my chest.

"You know this is as close as we're gonna get to be alone today, just hug me, it worked last time we were trapped in that closet." She giggles as my fingers graze her sides.

"That was only because Louis wasn't patient enough and told me I had to ask you out before we could get out. Just because I'm part of One Direction doesn't mean I'm smooth with girls, Harry is probably the smoothest." She nods her head slightly and sighs, my heart has finally slowed enough to be normal. The couple next to us says something but I don't understand, I think it's Dutch.

"Varför tack, du förstår inte du? ( Why thank you, You don't understand do you?)"She turned to me and I gave her the 'what' look.

"It's Dutch. I can speak Russian, Irish, Italian, French, Dutch and I'm currently working on Hebrew." My eyes widen, she laughs and pecks me on the lips, I can only speak Russian other then Irish, geez, she really does do really nothing. She told me she does nothing but sit around the house when Simon isn't home, now I believe  her. The couple laughed slightly at my face, Kat kissed me once more.

Think perfect two is a good song for this part? comment on what other songs,besides Tonight i'm lovin you and Perfect two are good, are good for this part. 

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