Chapter 11: What do I have to do? (EPOV)

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Yaaay for 1k. I have no wifi so I cannot update properly, but ill try really hard.

BTW i still need a beta.

or a co-author or whatever.

and this is an EPOV, a little surprise for my fave people, @glowingmeatball @your_pali_ali heeey :)


She disappeared. Thats it.

I knew it.

Im crazy.

Im fucking crazy, or hallucinating. I saw that damn truck destroy her body. I saw the way her blood pooled on the snow laden road. I saw her eyes looking at my own.

I saw her die.

But weren't you holding her hand a while ago?


Maybe thats an omen, or some shit like that.

What the fuck do you mean dipshit?

Oh great now im talking to my subconscious subconsciously.

What I mean is that maybe she wants to tell you something. You know, all that crap about restless souls because they have unfinished business? Or maybe they weren't supposed to die and find a way to prevent it.

Woah that's possible?

Yeah. Dipshit.

I shook my head and stood up. My eyes were stinging from all the crying, and my knuckles are bruised and bloody because of that stupid tree.


Why did I see her ghost?

Was something else supposed to happen?

You see. I dont want Bella to die. If she has unfinished business then I have one too, and it involves her.

Yeah, it involves her because you l---

"Shut the fuck up." I muttered to myself.

I drove home. My mom and dad weren't around. Again. As usual. Always too busy.


I went straight to my bedroom, exhausted from everything that happened. Exhausted from everything that I wish to not happen.

I hate this shit.

"I hate this! I fucking hate this! I fucking hate you Bella! Why do you have to die, huh? Why you? What the fuck did you ever do? Fuck Bella why?" I sobbed.


I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into sleep.

"Edward." A small voice said.

"Ed, wake up"


I opened my eyes and slowly looked at my surroundings. I was in the school doors, and I was watching myself.

I was watching myself watching Bella die.

No I cannot repeat this again. This cant happen again. I cant see this again.

I watched as the car hits Bella.

And thats when everything stopped.

Bella was floating mid-air, after getting hit by the truck. I can already see the huge shard of glass that was going to hit her stomach. I can see the people near the road freeze in terror.

Its like time stopped.

"It did, Edward."

I turned and saw Bella's ghost, spirit, soul whatever walking towards me.

"It stopped. Why?" I asked her.

"You stopped it remember? You dont want to relive the pain you felt, so it granted you your wish."

I sighed.

"Why are we here?"

"Well, you can prevent this Edward."

"I can? Holy shit Bella. How?" This is fucking awesome. I can actually prevent this.

She smiled at my enthusiasm. "Well, first you have to visit my life. Learn everything about me that may be connected to my death."

Learn Bella's life. Okay. I can do that.

"Second" she began again "you have to find out what happened when I was hit."

Find out. Yeah, I can do that too.

"Third. This is the most important. You will have to choose paths Edward. You will see what would happen after I died and what would happen if I didn't die."

Of course I'll choose--

"No Edward. There will be consequences to your choices. If you chose the future where I live, we'd go back exactly to the day that I die, only, I dont die. If you chose the future where I do die, there will be things that may satisfy you more than letting me live."

We stood in silence. Observing the surroundings.

"Okay. I'd do it."

She turned and smiled sadly.

"Will I see you? In real life, I mean?"

" Yeah you will." she chuckled. I'll pop in everyday. But if its time for you to fulfill a mission, im out. But i'll follow you everyday and anywhere. Everytime you finish a mission, i'll be there."

I can live with that.

"Where would you be everytime im on a mission?"

"Id be here. Reliving everything. I think its a punishment of sorts. But this time I get to feel every single emotion on that place. Hear every single thought. Hard right?"

I just smiled at her sadly as I felt myself start to slip away.

I woke up with a startle. Man, that's some shit kind of dream.

I looked at the clock and noticed that its 4:00 in the afternoon.

Too late for lunch now.

"That's a bit unhealthy you know."

I turned my head and saw Bella beside me.


"Holy shit you mean everything I dreamt of was real?"

"Yeah. Why..... Are you having second thoughts?"


"No geesh Bella. Im fucking happy. I can bring you back. Shit Bella. Okay what do I have to do now?"

And at that moment, I could noy help but smile as I saw Bella's lips turn upward.

"Well, first we have to go to school tomorrow. I'd go with you, dont worry." she smiled.

I have a feeling that things may turn out right again.

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