13th December 2018

23 12 0

Hello, darling!

How are you?

I was preparing dinner when I suddenly remembered that I forgot to write you a letter.

To be honest, I have been so much busy with work and cooking practices that I became really forgetful.

I'm sorry, darling....

I heard from Koala the other day. She said she wouldn't be able to come so it leaves me with Sabo and Luffy. I'm nervous...

I thought at least it would be one person who doesn't remind me of you.

Do you think I should invite someone to eat with us?

It would be less awkward and that person would surely be of help.

To be honest, the first person that acrossed  my mind was Law. It's probably because we work together and we are almost every day together.

Yeah, it's probably that....

I think the chicken will burn so I should go... See ya?

- (Name)

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