[os] Crash - Derek

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this will potentially become one of my stories on my teen wolf fic account.

  Cleo Lennon shoved a brass key in the lock of her boyfriend's front door. It was late at night, almost midnight, but her parent's were arguing over something stupid once again. She just needed some comforting, and she had no where else to go, considering the people she called 'friends' had been avoiding her. Lydia Martin was jealous of her, Allison was still mourning from her mother's death, and Scott was always busy, so was Stiles -her boyfriend- but he still made time for her, unlike the rest of the 'pack'. With the key still in the lock, she turned it and open the door, stepping passed the threshold. 

  Cleo could her something moving upstairs, so either Stiles or his dad was awake, most likely Stiles since the Sheriff worked mid nights a lot, and didn't get home til six in the morning. As she neared Stiles' room, she could hear soft moans, but what confused her the most, was the louder ones were of a female's voice. Heart pounding in her chest, Cleo shoved the door open, revealing Lydia Martin on top of her boyfriend, doing things that made Cleo's stomach twist and turn. Stiles opened his eyes as he heard the sound of a loud gasp. He look over to see his girlfriend standing in the door, with a hand over her mouth and tears falling from her face. He quickly shoved Lydia off of him, and tugged his pants on, rushing after Cleo who had darted from the scene. 

  "Cleo, wait!" He called after the dark haired girl he supposedly loved so much. Tears glazed his own caramel brown eyes. How could he be so stupid? How could he make such a big mistake, forgetting about the girl he had loved secretly for six years. Cleo ignored his shouts and got into her green camaro. She drove off, going at a fast speed, a lot faster than the 10 mph speed limit. Tears fell from her face as she drove down a dark and empty road, surrounded by woods. Her vision blurred due to the tears. She knew she should pull over, but she had completely lost control. Her whole life was going to shit. Her friends wanted nothing to do with her, her parents always fought and hardly acknowledged her existence, and her boyfriend cheated on her with the girl she hated most. 

  She suddenly lost control of the car and her car flew to the right, flying off the road and heading straight for the woods. Her car started to roll over, toppling down a hill, smashing in every part of her precious camaro. Eventually it stopped rolling and crashed into a tree, halting the rolling. Luckily for her, she wasn't injured but a few cuts from the shattered windshield. She hung upside down, her seat belt being the only thing restraining her from falling. Cleo let out an ear piercing scream, knowing that a certain werewolf liked to roam the woods at night, and she hoped he could hear her. She started crying even more out of frustration. "Derek!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Please help me!" After a few minutes of helpless screams, she decided to try and unbuckle her seat belt, but it was jammed. 

  Her eyes closed, and she let out a shaky sigh. "Please help me." She whimpered. The sound of a stick snapping caused her eyes to snap back open. She looked around, trying to see outside of the car but it was to smashed up to see anything. "Derek?" She whispered quietly. 

  The car door suddenly flew off  the hinges, causing Cleo to let out a frightened scream. Derek's face appeared. She let out a sigh of relief. "I didn't think you would come, or if you were even in the woods at all." Derek didn't say anything, but instead reached for the seat belt, but had no luck. "It's jammed." 

  "I know." He finally said. "Put your hands on the roof, okay?" Cleo did as told and Derek grabbed the seat belt, yanking it and snapping it. Cleo fell down, but Derek caught her so she didn't break anything. He helped her out, then helped her stand. "Can you stand?" 

  "I think so." Derek grabbed her arm, Cleo winced in pain. A shard of glass was embedded deep into her skin. The brooding werewolf picked her up bridal style and began running through the woods at werewolf speed. Shortly, they arrived at the abandoned train station he resided in. His betas were nowhere in sight. "Where's Isaac, Boyd, and Erica?" 

 Derek carried her to his bedroom and set her on the bed. "Boyd and Erica are at home and Isaac's asleep." He answered her bluntly, not showing any emotion whatsoever. He left the room. A few minutes later he returned with a first aid kit. "Take off your jacket." He instructed. 

  Cleo unzipped her black hoodie, leaving her in her white tank-top. She was now in just only her tank-top and plaid pajama shorts. A medium sized shard of glass stuck out from her skin. Derek gripped the glass, looking into Cleo's dark brown eyes. "1..." He began, signalling he was going to pull it out on the count of 3. "2." He yanked the glass from her arm, causing her to yelp. He rubbed a cotton ball doused in alcohol. He rubbed it over the wound and looked at it closely. "I don't think you'll need stitches." He informed her. Derek placed a band-aid over the cut. 

  Cleo examined his features as he scanned the cuts on her legs. She never realized how much she was attracted to him until now. She wanted to run her hands through his silky black hair, she wanted feel his stubble lightly scratch her skin as he kissed her neck, she wanted to look into his light green eyes as their naked bodies rubbed against each other underneath the blankets. She wanted to feel his soft lips on hers. 

  Derek looked up as he felt her staring into his soul. He saw the lust in her dark eyes, and before he knew it, he had gotten lost in the deep pools of chocolate, and had begun leaning in. He captured her lips with is in a hungry kiss, and Cleo reacted quickly, pressing her body into his. 

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he grabbed her thighs, lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. He set her back down on the bed and crawled on top of her, shoving his tongue into her mouth, causing her to gasp in surprise. Derek pulled away. He reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, discarding it onto the floor. Next was Cleo's shirt. He used his claws to rip the fabric off, and threw it somewhere in the room. Cleo grabbed the nape of his neck and forced him back into her. They kissed hungrily, their bare chests moving against each other. 

  Derek pulled away from her lips and began kissing along her neck. Cleo reached down to his belt started undoing it, eager to have him in her. Soon they were both naked, Derek thrusting into her, their moans filling the room. Cleo reaches her climax as she comes, Derek following shortly after. He collapses onto the bed beside her, Cleo snuggling up to him. 

  Cleo's eyes fluttered shut and her breaths became more relaxed. Derek held her against him, relishing in the moment. 

this sucks im sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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