[p] You're Pregnant - Teen Wolf

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  You stare down at the stick in your hands. There on a tiny little stick was a happy face. A happy face didn't exactly fit this situation, especially if the father of the baby growing inside of you was no longer living. You didn't exactly know what to do. The baby inside of you would grow up without his or her's dad in their life. You would have to be strong for the baby's sake, and even consider going with Ethan to where ever he planned on going, because Beacon Hills isn't the ideal place to raise a child. Especially with nogitsune's and oni's running about the place. Not to mention werewolves and banshees. Hell there was such things as kitsune's and werecoyote's now. So now, an hour and a half later you were sitting in Ethan's car without no clue where you were headed. 


  Derek looked at you in shock. He didn't exactly look thrilled or even a bit happy. You could tell what he felt by the look in his eyes; shock, sadness, disappointment, and anger. You knew Derek wasn't exactly the kind of guy to make big commitments. He could barely commit to a relationship, how could he possibly want a baby? He had walked out of your life about five minutes after you'd told him the news, and didn't come back until you were eight months pregnant with a little girl. You were a little hesitant to let him into both your's and the baby's life, but you knew it would be the best for your daughter to have her real father in her life. Eventually you got back together after taking it slow, but it turned out for the best and a month later you welcomed Lily Hale into the world. 


Isaac's smile had been the brightest thing in the room when you had told him. Even brighter then the stars that you could see from your bedroom window. He had picked you up and spun you around until he got dizzy and was forced to put you down. He then had proceeded to bend down and kiss your stomach and talk to the baby that was in your stomach. It was the best reaction you could've hoped for, and nine months later you welcomed your twins into the world. Little Camden and Cassandra Lahey. It was the best day of your lives.


  Scott was excited to have a mini him running around. At first his mother was mad, but then she couldn't help but smile until her mouth hurt. Scott became even more protective over you and the baby, and sometimes he wouldn't let you leave the bed. Eventually he realized that it was unhealthy to keep you in bed all day, but he still wouldn't leave your side. Nine months later you had given birth to a little boy whom you had named Tyler. He was your pride and joy. 


  Stiles was incredibly happy, he would keep you up all night talking about baby names and how much he wanted a little girl. Of course you were happy that he was so thoughtful about everything, but a pregnant women sure needs her sleep! You had went into labor at eight months so everyone was worried, but it all turned out great and you were ecstatic to welcome your twin girls Claudia and Charlotte into the world. 

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