Hospital Visit

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Sal was running as fast as he could through the school halls. his mask was just above his mouth, the bottom strap broken. his clothes were a mess and he was missing a shoe. he insides were screaming for him to stop, but if he did he'd be caught. he turned and cast a glance behind him, then yelped slipping in his sock and face planting on the hard school floor.

"Sal!" Larry shouted immediately, running over to him. he knelt beside him, there was a puddle of blood and puke leaking from Sal's mouth.

"Sal! Larry what happened?!" Ashley shouted, kneeling beside them.

"I don't know he just came running down the hall." Larry replied, carefully scooping Sal up. the entire school seemed to be watching. Todd and Neil ran up to them.

"some shit went down in the bathroom by the lunchroom. we heard some screams and then he just came flying out of the bathroom, like he was running for his life." Neil said.

"he probably was." Larry muttered, heading for the nurse.

"what do you mean?" Ashley ask.

"look at that puddle of blood Ashley. the bottom strap on his mask is torn and his mask is cracked. he probably was running for his life." Larry muttered. Sal groaned softly, but made no effort to move from Larry's grasp, even as he coughed blood all over himself and Larry's shirt, not that Larry's shirt hadn't already been covered in blood. as they got to the nurses office, the other three were forced to go back to class. Sal and Larry were taken away in an ambulance.


Larry wasn't sure what was happening. they called his mom and Sal's dad. he was stripped of his clothes, so was Sal. Sal had went into surgery though, he'd had internal bleeding. cops had shown up and taken his statement and were waiting for Sal to wake up. Larry sat beside him, holding his hand tightly.

"someone beat the hell out of this kid. scratches, bruises, internal bleeding, broken rib, punctured lung, collapsed kidney, broken nose, cracked eye socket. they beat the hell out of him. unfortunately, because of the injuries, they had to be done at school or he would've died because of his lung." the doctor said. Larry listened to them talk outside Sal's room. then the cop walked in and started asking questions.

"I'm not entirely sure what happened. he just came running to me. someone said that he came running out of the bathroom after they heard screaming. he didn't even make it to me, he slipped and fell and busted his face. speaking of you have to give me his mask back. he'll have a panic attack." Larry said. the cop raised an eye brow at him. "I'm serious." Larry added.

"I'll get a doctor to wrap his face, but he needs those tubes so he can't wear his mask." the cop said. they came and wrapped Sal's face carefully. the cop took his statement and waited in the hall for Sal to wake. it took longer than Larry thought it would, but when Sal stirred, Larry jumped from his chair.

"Sal?" Larry ask. Sal opened his good eye and looked at Larry, with a sad puppy like look. Larry hugged him tightly, but was careful not to hurt him. "Sal what happened?" Larry ask.

"Travis and his friends. they attacked me." Sal muttered. "I fought back, but there was five of them and one of me. when I got the chance, I ran for it. knew they wouldn't dare attack me in front of you." Sal muttered, giving a shaky smile. Larry could see a sad look in his eye.

"well you made it to me." Larry murmured, smiling at him. he kissed Sal's hand gently and held it tightly. "there's some cops here. think you can tell them everything?" Larry ask. Sal stiffened and swallowed hard.

"yeah... can you go get me something to drink though?" Sal ask. "I'll get it over with while you do that. please? my throats dry." Sal said. Larry nodded and smiled getting up.

Hospital visitWhere stories live. Discover now