Dear Fighter

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Dearly beloved One who is struggling with The different love cupid arrows that God is  throwing at You in form of challenges. You are not alone. We are all in this together. We will get through this. Rome was not built in One day neither was it beautified in one year. It took time. It took years to build but after building it, it was magnificent. So are You. You may be struggling with one challenge or the other and feel that there is no escape for You mainly because  You fall for those challenges but the Good news is, there is still hope. There is hope for You for challenges are allowed by God to Mold You and teach You life lessons so that You can be an inspiration to others.
In This book, We will be diving deep into different challenges such as temptations, Addictions, depressions, low self esteem, inferiority complex and their causes then We shall look at the tips on how to walk through the challenges and emerge stronger than ever.
Be strong, You Can Do This.

Your's Nathalia Marie-Therese

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