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Temptations are not sin. They only become sin when You act on it. If I feel tempted to steal but I resist it, I haven't stolen but the moment I start planing in My head how to execute My plans of stealing, then it becomes a Sin.
You do not need to wallow in pain and anguish when You are being tempted to Sin. You haven't committed a sin yet. You have the opportunity to resist it.
However, We are all humans and are prone to fall into temptations. It doesn't matter how much You fall it matters that You are able to rise again. Saint John Chrysostom tells Us "Let no one mourn who has fallen again and again, for forgiveness has risen from the grave"
When You offend someone its Your duty to say sorry. So also, You are only Human and You are bound to make mistakes. You are bound to fall into temptations. You are bound to Fall. These things are usual. You are not an Angel. Even the saints fail. The greatest saint Committed sin seven times a day. But where the changes lie is in The Rising.
Are You able to rise up after a fall? Or do You just remain there sulking all day?

Fighting Daily Temptations

Temptations occur everyday. At home, work place, school e.t.c. Most of these daily temptations are as a result of what We see, read, watch and think. Some of these daily temptations are Lust, Same - sex attraction, Masturbation, Practicing Homosexuality e.t.c.

Lust and Same - Sex Attractions.

In the world We live today, We have a lot of people teaching false teachings that tends to please only humans and not God. Lust is A Sin. A huge one at that. But being tempted to Lust is not a sin. It only becomes a sin when You start fantasizing in it. When You start thinking of actually doing that which You are tempted to do. These feelings are hard to resist sometime. You may try harder to be strong but still find Yourself falling for it. I have been a victim of it. And sometimes it still happens. Sometimes I fall for it and sometimes I don't. The thing is not that I fell for it but the thing is that I was able to rise and ask for forgiveness from God with tears of Sorrow. The problem is not that You fell, the problem is that You didn't rise and fight.

Do You encourage those things that could make You think of sex? Such as Wearing indecent clothes that exposes Your Body

do You watch Porns or Romance movies and read romance Books which have lots of sex scenarios in them.

Admiring someone of the same gender is not wrong. When I mean admire, I mean, Like the person's personality and behaviour. That is not a sin. But the moment You start looking at the person and wishing You had Her in Your bed or as a lover then that becomes a huge Sin because such person had already become an object of satisfaction. Our Lord Jesus tells Us in the bible
"You have heard that it was said to those of old, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to You that whoever looks at a woman to lust for Her has already committed adultery with Her in His heart." Matt 5: 27-28.

Once, A Priest Said "The Mind is the greatest Sex Organ" . This is true, in Your mind You can have sex with Just about anyone You want to. Someone You know You can't have in reality but in Your mind She becomes all Yours. That is the mind for You.
You may be passing through the temptation of Lust and feel like its too much for You and because of this You are depressed. Be strong. Even if You fall into the Sin of lust then be sincerely sorry for Your sins. Do not despair. Be courageous.

Masturbation and Homosexuality

Masturbation has become daily practice for young people because they see and then they decide to practice.
Human nature works in mysterious ways. A girl feels that a fellow girl will understand Her if She should confide in Her and so does a boy. This is the reason masturbation is closely linked to Homosexuality. I have a strong hunch that if You trace down the root of homosexuality it all started with masturbation. For example, when a Lady decides to Masturbate due to what type of movie She watches, She begins to feel that the masturbation is not enough. She feels like She wants to practice what She has seen with someone. Now, She cannot go to a Man for that because She feels that what She wants is just satisfaction and that a Man may want to Commit or that She may get pregnant in the process Hence, She seeks for satisfaction in a close friend In whom She could confide in and get Her pleasure because She feels the Lady will understand Her better and will not judge Her or get Her pregnant.
We live in A Dark society were people believe that Homosexuality is Love. But Homosexuality is not Love. God is not a God of Confusion to say something in the Bible and in the Church's tradition and then change His words.

"The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become exceedingly grievous" We find in the next chapter what the sins are that are "exceedingly Grievous and its sodomy and the angels of God tells Lot He needs to leave the city "For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent Us to destroy them." Genesis 18:20

Anyone who practices homosexuality, trace the person's root and You will discover that the person is depressed, abused or needs a confidante. Homosexuality is as a result of handling a situation in the wrong way.

Majority of people who practice masturbation are not happy with what they are doing. You feel You are the most dirtiest and stinky person on the surface of the earth. But There is still hope. Rise up. Ask God for Forgiveness and struggle on.

These challenges are thrown by God to shape You to be an inspiration. Learn the lesson and not the Sin from temptation. Even though You may have prayed and asked that You be set free from these sins but still it keeps coming back still keep struggling. Its worth the fight. Learn the Lesson, fight the battle.
The one lesson I learnt from My battle with Lust is Humility. In the later chapters I will explain more elaborately.

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