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The past is something that, at one point of Our lives We have to get over it. Like the saying goes "let go off the past" . Sometimes these past events in Your lives becomes too difficult to let go. You think about them. You dwell on them. So many things You wished You could have done in them. You feel annoyed because of them.
Dear friend, it is time to let go.

It is time to rise up and walk through that door and never look back. Do not look back. When Our Lord told Lot and His family to leave Sodom and Gomorrah He instructed them saying "Do not look back"
Sodom and Gomorrah was an ugly place to be therefore looking back will only bring back ugly and sinful memories hence Our Lord ordered His children not to look back.
When lot's wife looked back, She was damned. This is what happens when You look back at the ugly events in Your past lives, You become depressed and even may come to the drastic point of suicide.
Is it really worth it?

I will tell You a little story about My past and how I rose above them.

In 2012, I had My second crush. At first, I thought it was just a crush but as time went on I discovered it was beyond crush. For the very first time I was in Love. Unknowingly to Me, I was in love with a player. In late 2015, We started dating. It was like a dream come true for Me because I never believed that the Man I was so much in love with loved Me too. We saw a future together He was willing to marry Me but My friends were in disapproval of this relationship this was something I couldn't understand I turned into prayer and asked God to show Me the reason why the friend whom I considered My sisters didn't love the only man I have ever Loved. Finally, God showed Me what kind of person this man was. This man whom I so much loved only wanted to flirt with Me. He only wanted to make Me stain My purity just to make Him happy and when I refused, the problem begun. He changed.

Finally in early 2016, He insulted Me to the core and broke up with Me. I cried deeply for so many days as the thought of the happy texting We had and how He always says "I love You Nathy" hurt Me so much. After awhile I rose up from My tears and pushed Him to My past. I walked past My pain and heartbreak and by God's grace, today I Am helping and guiding girls to rise about their past and succeed.
You too Can be be an inspiration. Instead of dwelling in Your past why don't You turn it into Your Pulpit from were You shall preach. The Cross of Our Lord, Though painful and Filled with suffering became a pulpit from were Our Lord Jesus gave Us the Gospel of Salvation. Just like Your Father in heaven. Turn Your past pain and sorrow into Hope and inspiration for all You come in contact with. Let them not see a broken person but an inspiration.

Yes, the pain will always be there but even at that, ask God for grace to help You pass through that phase without being depressed but to believe that this is Your cross of sorrow from were Your Crown of beauty will come.

No matter what You are passing through Heartbreak, failure in exams, rape, past bad life e.t.c. You can still rise again.

I challenge You to Rise. 
Rise dear friend
Rise and fight
Rise and be an inspiration
Rise and make a change
Rise Because the Lord We serve has risen from the grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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