Chapter 11

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Jungkook's POV

I watched as her fingers danced on her laptop's keyboard. I took notice of the white nail polish coated on her slightly long nails, and how soft her hands looked. Every passing second I felt like holding her hand more, I wanted to touch her soft skin and feel it against mine. I moved my eyes to her silky black hair and tried to take in every detail I could. Now I felt like running my fingers against the shiny strands and smelling the vanilla scent her hair always had on it. Everything about her captivated me to a point where I'd forget what's going on around me while watching her.

"You've seriously never seen The Notebook?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by her voice suddenly speaking. I turned to look at her laptop's screen, seeing Netflix open. We were currently seated in her living room, me comfortable in the new hoodie she bought me and her in her pyjamas. Today marks day 10 of me living with May, but I knew my leave was coming soon. Yoongi has been keeping me updated on the police activity, and this area was close to being completely clear. I'm glad that my time to leave came now rather than later because I wanted May more every day. I had to get away from her, or this feeling I'm having will turn out to be my defeat.

"Isn't that some sappy romantic movie?" I asked her after chuckling to her serious face. She looked at me like a hawk as if she was ready to rip my head off. Geez, she looked kinda scary. 

"It's not sappy, it's a great movie and we're watching it right now," she told me with a serious tone which I found adorable. Her gaze turned back to her laptop screen as she proceeded to search for the stupid movie. It's not like I got time for movies, I'm out robbing banks. But this strangely felt nice, though, as if she's forgotten about my infamous past. But even though it feels nice, it's not a good thing. She needs to remember who I really am. I let out a sigh, I feel more troubled than I originally thought out. It's all because of her, she's got me under her spell. 

"C'mon, May, it's 10 am," I whined and rested my head on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. It would be nice to watch a movie with her, but I should avoid these activities with her. They'll just make leaving harder than it has to be. It shouldn't be hard in the first place, but I couldn't have predicted this huge mess we both have fallen into. I turned to look at the window in front of me which wasn't covered by blinds and saw the dying leaves flying in the air. Autumn was here, which meant the Crows weren't going to plan any big heist and wait for the winter time to strike again. This would be the perfect time for me to catch up to them.

"Alright," May sighed next to me and paused before continuing, breaking my train of thought.

"We'll watch it another time," she spoke, which immediately caused me to snap my head back to her direction.

"Uh, I don't think they'll be another time, May," I hesitantly told her. I knew she felt something for me too, the kiss we shared was proof enough, but I'm still unsure of how she'll react to my leave. She'll go back to her normal life, and so will I. She wasn't looking at me, but I saw the change in her eyes after what I just told her. I just didn't know what to make out of that look, but I knew it wasn't positive.

"Oh," she simply said, and it made my heart ache. Her voice sounded hurt. What does she even see in me? I'm a thief, what possibly could she feel towards me? I'm not worthy of her feelings, so why? She stared right in front of her at the wall, she wasn't even trying to hide her sadness. Funny, actually. Who would've thought this girl whose house I broke into would be sad about my leave? It makes me angry in a weird way because I don't understand it.

"So, you'll be leaving then?" she asked.

"Probably soon, yea,"

"Okay," her voice continued to sound defeated. It irritated me because I didn't want her to be sad about me out of all people. She slowly placed her laptop on to the table in front of her, removing it from her lap. She then slowly turned to me and my heart suddenly started pounding. Our eyes were locked onto each other, it was like I was hypnotized since I couldn't turn away.

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