Chapter 14

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3 weeks later

It was another work day for me, doing the same old thing over and over again. I was growing tired of this life I was living, but my writing hasn't had much luck. To be honest I feel like giving up on everything, this job and my dream as an author. I could just move back to Washington and live under my father's wing. He could even pull a few strings and get my writing a headstart, but that's one of the reasons I left. So that he wouldn't be the reason for my success. He's a very well known man because of his chain of art galleries, and overall luxurious life. My older brother and sister graduated from college and became father's business partners, so you can believe how upset he was when I told him I had no plans for college. He's a great dad, but that life they're living just isn't for me. But neither is this, I hate this job more than the idea of college. I was naive and a high school graduate when I decided to head on my own, I should've planned my future better and not just leave it to hang on mere luck. 

Before I knew it my shift was over, and I was ready to head home. Outside of work, my life is everything but exciting. I wake up, go to work, then go home. I don't even have many friends who are free to spend time. And being this lonely isn't a good distraction, which is something that I need. Every now and then my mind happens to think about Jungkook, how he's doing, where he is. And this is why I need a distraction. The past three weeks have been hard, harder than I expected them to be. It's not that I think about Jungkook all the time, but it's taking time for my feelings to fade away. And time is one thing I don't need more of. 

Knowing that I'll never see Jungkook again keeps haunting me, but I've been getting better. I'm not grieving anymore as I first did, which gives me hope that I will be able to forget about those 10 days of my life. He hasn't left a scar on me, just a healing wound.

I was already in my parking lot, ready to leave my car and enter my house until my eyes accidentally happened to notice a police car across the street. I became confused, the investigation ended three weeks ago. So why is there a police car here? I asked myself the same question repeatedly as I slowly got out of my car, my eyes still glued to the white vehicle a few meters away from me. Then the police car door opened, and a familiar face appeared. I immediately became irritated. It was Nick. He as well kept his eyes on me as he started crossing the street, walking towards me. He had his badge on him, meaning that he was on duty. I looked over and saw a policeman sitting on the passenger seat of the car, explaining why Nick as a detective was in a police car. As I noticed him walking towards me, I immediately locked my car, turned around and started walking away from him and towards my house. I didn't want to speak to him or even see him. He had stopped calling me about two weeks ago, finally getting the message that I no longer want to have anything to do with him. Or so I thought.

"May!" he called out to me as I was now in front of my main door, fumbling with my house keys in a hurry. I didn't care what he had to say.

"May! I'm on duty! Stop, that's an order!" his shouting became louder as he got closer and I knew even if I opened the door now he would be able to catch me. I sighed in defeat and turned around to see him directly in front of me with frustration written all over his face. That makes the both of us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a heavy tone, not caring about any small talk. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Whatever reason you think I'm here for is wrong. I'm not here to talk to you," his voice changed as he proceeded to explain himself. But I really didn't care, as heartless as it sounds. He was still standing in front of me while I didn't want him to be around me.

"Then make it quick," I snapped and crossed my arms. "What other business could you possibly have with me?"

Nick stared at me like a hawk with a serious expression. I wasn't blind, my anger wasn't blinding me from seeing him in this strange state. Whatever he had to tell me was probably serious. But I wouldn't let him see that I'm worried, and kept a straight face with no emotions except anger and annoyance.

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