All Has Been Revealed

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"I don't know if I can..."

"You can talk to me about anything" Patton assured him.

Virgil took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he was going to say and the reaction he was going to get.

"I-I love you... I've loved you for as long as I can remember!" Virgil admitted.

Patton's jaw dropped in shock, he didn't know how to respond. Virgil frowned as a tear fell down his cheek, followed soon after by many others. He stood up and ran as fast as he could down the stairs and out of the house.

"Virgil!" Patton shouted after him.

"I love you too..." he whispered to himself, fighting to hold back tears of his own.

-What have I done?-

This thought kept circulating in his head, he stood, about to run after Virgil. His legs wouldn't move, it was as though someone or something didn't want him to go after the boy he loved. He kept trying to move, but in the end he gave up and chose to give Virgil a bit of time and space to cool off. After an hour or thereabouts, Patton was finally able to go out and search for Virgil.

"Virgil!" he called out, as loud as he could.

"Virgil!" Patton repeated several times before reluctantly giving up and returning home.

No sooner than he stepped through and closed his front door, did he have his phone out, desperately trying to call and get through to Virgil. Patton received no responses to any of his calls and became very worried, Virgil usually always answered his phone, no matter what he was doing. He shoved his phone into his back pocket and took a seat at the kitchen table, facing the front door should Virgil come back. Patton's head was resting on his hands, he was frowning, worried that Virgil had gone home, back to the house from hell. He decide to pull up a picture of Virgil on his phone in an attempt to distract himself from the fact that Virgil wasn't there in person. After what seemed like hours of just staring at the picture, the front door opened and in walked Virgil. Patton switched off his phone and placed it down on the table. He looked at Virgil who was carefully and quietly shutting the door behind him. Virgil noticed Patton looking at him, sadness evident in his eyes. He felt bad for causing Patton to feel this way but went straight upstairs, ignoring the fact Patton was there. He walked into the bedroom and climbed into the bed, he was facing away from the door and had the covers pulled up to just below his chin.

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