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The next morning, when the pair arrived at the school, Roman was already there. Virgil saw him standing alone, looking at something on his phone. He turned to Patton.

"Wait here, okay?"

Patton looked past Virgil and spotted Roman.

"Just, don't do anything stupid."

Virgil nodded and walked over to Roman. He tapped him on the shoulder gently to get his attention.

"Hey... Virgil, I-" he started before being interrupted.

"-I told you to stay away from Patton!" he said firmly, fists clenched.

Before Roman had the chance to respond, Virgil punched as hard as he possibly could, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

"Listen to me next time!" he warned.

Virgil spun around and went back over to where Patton was standing.

"I said don't  do anything stupid." Patton said, a small smile spread across his face.

"Protecting you isn't stupid. I'm not leaving your side... ever." he responded, love in his eyes.

From that point onwards, any classes that they didn't have together, Virgil would meet Patton outside of, whatever class it was that he had. After school that day, they were engaged in many discussions as they walked home. The conversation abruptly ended with Virgil's next comment.

"Patton, I just realised... after we admitted our feelings to each other, we never actually talked about it or acted on them."

Patton took a deep breath but remained silent, not quite sure how to respond. When they arrived home, Virgil followed Patton through to the living room and sat down on the couch with him.

" Patton... Did you hear me? " he asked.

Patton nodded and hugged himself.

"I-I know... it's just-" he stopped himself, finding it hard to continue.

"You can talk to me..." Virgil assured him, rubbing circles into his back.

"I'm scared... scared that, Roman will hurt one of us. I'm scared you'll realise that I'm not good enough, that you deserve better."

Tears began to form in Patton's eyes.

"I promise that Roman won't be a problem. I'll deal with him, I'll protect you from him."

"But what if-"

"-No what ifs! You'll be okay." he said, cutting Patton off.

"And as for me leaving you, it's never going to happen. I love you!"

Patton nodded, he could hear the sincerity in Virgil's voice.

"Patton..." he began, earning another nod from him.

"Would you please do me the honour of officially being my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Patton, smiling brightly.

He shuffled closer to Virgil and hugged him as tightly as he could. Patton pulled away from the hug and kissed Virgil softly on the cheek. Virgil let a small smile appear on his face.

"I'll be sure to deal with Roman. He will never hurt you, ever again."

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