Chapter 1 - The big move

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I didn't want to move from the city. I didn't want to leave all my friends behind and start a new life. But i guess I don't have a choice in what i want to do. seeing that i din't have a job and have finished school i'm stuck living with my dad and his new partner along with apparently 6 new brothers and a little sister.

"Jessie have you finished packing the last of your things?" my dad says as he enters my room that i will miss deeply.

"Just got to tape this box up and I'm all done" i say to my dad.

"here let me help you" dad said
"thanks daddy" i say and hug him he hugs me back and i start to sob

"what wrong sweetie?"

" I don't want to leave this place dad, I've grown up her and now I'm leaving "

" I know sweetie but we all have to make changes in our lives some day even if it is moving house and moving out to the country a lot of people don't like it at first but then they say if they don't make changes the nothing good will happen in life"

"Thanks dad, and since when are you so good with sentimental words?"

"Here i am trying to help you and you go and ruin the moment. your such a monster" my dad says and walks out with my last box.

I stand there laughing as my dad walks out and then take on last look a what used to be my childhood bedroom. I'm going to miss this place so much. I close my bedroom door for the last time knowing that a new family will have a great home for their children to grow up in. i walk down to the car just as dad has put the last boxes in the moving truck.

I get in the car and put my headphones on and start playing my music. not long and dad hops in and we are on our way.


3 hours later we arrive. it only took this long because we stopped for lunch and a break from sitting the car.
"Jessie we're here" my dad says as he taps my shoulder.

"holy shit this place is huge dad, how in the hell am i going to survive here"i say 

"you'll survive but watch your language, Julie has younger kids"

"okay" i say and hop of the car. 

"Jessie come meet your new brothers and sister." dad says 

I suppose having a sister and new brothers cant be that bad surely. As i turn around I see six boys and two girls. kill me know the're well one really hot guy who im guessing is the eldest. how the Fuck am i going to be ale to do this. 

"Jessie" my dad says 

"yes" i say and snap out of my daydream 

"You were day dreaming again"

"oh sorry ill try not to do it again " i say

my dad walks over to Julie and the little girl and say hi and gives them a kiss on the cheek. 

"You must be Jessie. I'm Julie and this is Renesmee " 

"that would be me. its nice to final meet you. dad doesn't  stop talking about you."

"haha thats good to here. Boys get over here and introduce your self." Julies yells for the boys

"Hi im Elijah, and im 5 tomorrow" 

"hi Elijah I'm Jessie, your birthday is tomorrow lucky you" i say as he runs back to play with his toys. 

"Hi I'm Charles and I'm 8 and like video games" 

"hi Charles I'm Jessie, who wouldn't like video games" i say and gave me a high five. 

"Hi I'm Stefan, i like football" 

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