Chapter 2 The New Villian

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    When the akuma finds her, it takes awhile for her to notice it.  She turns around when she hears a strange noise behind her!  "Wait, an akuma?   Here? " She says.  She screams, "No, Hawkmoth, I will not let you use me! Now, go away you filthy bug!" 

       Hawkmoth laughs.  "Come on now, you know you wish people were more honest and are upset about the outfit not being as described on the website you ordered if from, now aren't you?"   He says in an sinister tone of voice!  It is the kind of voice that sends chills up your spine.

  "Well, not that you mention it, yes!  I do get tired of people being so dishonest," she says.

  "I figured as much!" Hawkmoth says.

"If I help you do you promise, to let me handle it my way?" She asks.

 "Whatever you say, Mrs. Colorful!"  Hawkmoth says

  "Fine, it is a deal then, Hawkmoth!" She says.

  "Good, now go and get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses for me!" Hawkmoth demands

   "Yeah, yeah, I plan on it!" Mrs. Colorful  says.

     With that a purple mask appears on her face, as the ugly dress turns into a red dress with a white flowered print, the hair ribbon changes to the same design as does her earrings, necklace and shoes.  The weapon she is has is a paint ball gun that can spray splashes of color at things. The akuma hids in a place only known to her and her boss, Hawkmoth!  That is right, you heard me Hawkmoth is now her boss!  

   Suddenly, something strange happens as she finds herself transported from her bedroom to somewhere else. When she looks up she can see the city-Hawkmoth's city-that is right now she too is in Paris, France!  Wow, she thinks, this is great!  I can now go in search for the ring and earrings.  She sets to work right away to retrieve the items without being seen. 

       Only she does not count on Nadja Chamack the news reporter seeing her, as she appeared out of nowhere in the park in France!   "This is Nadja Chamack here, citizens of Paris, and as you see there is yet again a new villian here !   By the way, what is your name?"  Nadja asks.

     "Who me?  Why I am Mrs. Colorful"  Mrs. Colorful remarks.

     "Wow, that is an interesting name!" Nadja says.

    "Why thank you Miss!"  She says.

    "Your welcome!" Nadja says.

   "Have you seen some guy in a cat suit and girl in a ladybug outfit go by?" She asks.

    "Oh, you mean Chat Noir and Ladybug?"  Nadaja says.

   "Yes, that is exactly who I mean!  Who else could I possibly be referring too?" She snarls.

      Mrs. Colorful  looks straight at Nadja.  "Your outfit is not suitable for you! Here let me help you!"  She says, and sprays her !   

        Nadja's hair trues bright pink, and her outfit changes from a tan and white color, to a nice pink hue with purple stripes.  Before she can say a word about it,Mrs. Colorful runs off and sprays all sorts of things with her paint ball gun.  The city parks turn red, the fountain turns green, the sky turns pink, the streets turn purple, and the trash cans turn yellow!  Chloe Bougerious runs past on her way to the mall and her entire outfit turns a deep shade of blue, her hair remains the same though and by her facial expression is not to happy about the sudden change in her wardrobe!   The bakery is repainted hot pink, the Agreste mansion purple with gray stripes, the gate bright green, and the sidewalks turn orange.  It appears to be there are very few places, Mrs. Colorful has not hit with her weapon.

The Gray Dress (AU) by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now