Chapter 1 The Discovery

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      She brushes her hair and fixes it up in a nice bun.  She even adds a blue ribbon to it. There she thinks, that ought to look nice, right?  She goes to the mirror to apply some blush and a bit of lipstick. The lipstick says, Cherry flavor. She figures why not?  It will smell nice and give them a nice shiny, color for my big date tonight!  She takes a closer look at the dress.  

      "What? "She says in dismay.  "I know I ordered a nice  flowy, red dress with blue trim and a blue design on it.  This dress is not red.  Why not only is it not red,  but it is a deep gray.  Gray, as in dull, and boring. Gray as in an elephants's skin, gray as in Eeyore the donkey on the children's movies, Winnie the Pooh, and gray as in ugly!  I  do not even like gray.  I mean who does anyway?   This shade in particular is the worst!  Agh, what will I do?  This is a complete disaster!  I can't been in public with this dress.  It looks terrible on me!  It makes my skin look washed out, it does not go well with my eyes and most of all I hate it!"  She says to herself.  She cries. She feels as though all  that could possibly go wrong has now that the dress turns out to be way different than the one she expected. 

         "Good grief, why on earth did the company, I ordered it from seen me this dress? The dress I scraped and saved for months is not this one

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         "Good grief, why on earth did the company, I ordered it from seen me this dress? The dress I scraped and saved for months is not this one.  I know it can't be!  It just can not.  I remember the dress I picked out was way nicer.  For one thing, it was a size eight or was it a twelve?  For another thing, it brought out the natural pink in my cheeks and the design on it went well with my eyes. It was the perfect dress. It was my dream dress. It was the dress I intended to wear and the one I  waited all day everyday for an entire week to arrive.  Only, instead of the one I had hoped for I got this other thing which I might add is beyond ugly. It is so hideous, that even Miss Marple, a favorite heroine of mine in the mystery novels written long ago by my favorite author, Agatha Christie would not be caught dead in it.  Why if she were a real character and not one of a fictional type she would have said, ' Why I do believe that is the most lack of taste, and least suitable dress ever for you!  You really must find something more suitable to wear my dear.'   I laugh at the absurdness of it all,"  She says to show how upset she is over the mistake.  

   Now, that she has made the discovery that the wrong dress was indeed to sent to her by mistake, what is she to do with it?  What happened to the dress she ordered?  So many questions go through her head as she struggles to remain calm about the mix up.  She sighs.  She sits back down on the edge of her bed.  She decides for now to change into something more presentable for the date.   But what, what indeed could that be?  Whatever it could not be nearly as lovely as her dream dress!  She begins to stress out all over again about the dress!  She knows it is rather silly, or foolish to go on and on about something so trivial.  It is just she believes that someone should have informed her if there was to be such a misunderstanding about what it is she expected.  She shakes her head. So much for honesty, this day in time.  

        Honesty, must be something that is dead.  Honesty, is hard to find anymore that is for sure. Why if  she were to ask a stranger about it they would probably agree that honesty was something that was hard to come by.  As she struggles with her thoughts despite her being far from Paris, France a certain villain senses her distress, her pity party, and sadness over what went wrong.  The amazing thing is that she lives in the United States. Why that is an entire 7,516 km away!    For that matter it is only around  6,518 km (or was it more than this ?) away from the exact state where she lives. The state she grew up. The state where she and her husband, their only son, and pet dog currently live. 

       Meanwhile, in Paris, France, he -that is Hawkmoth-sits in his lair. He awaits the opportunity to akumantize his next  victim. He laughs his normal, typical sinister laugh. The kind of laugh that sounds a creepy as it.  He wears his usual gray and purple suit with the moth brooch   "his miraculous" -the one no one seems to know how he came by it- and his mask.  The mask that hides his indentity from the public view.   He notices everyone in Paris seems to be in a good mood.  He scratches his head. "Hmm, maybe it is because the holiday known as Christmas will be here soon,"  He says to himself.  He thinks, it strange though that Lila Rossi, the girl who is known for trouble due to her various lies she has told over the years is not at work spreading more of her lies to those who will only listen.  Then again, ever since the new guy, this Sam came to town, she seems to be smitten with him lately and to have given up on her previous crush of Adrien Agreste.  Maybe just maybe this is why Lila does not lie anymore!  Yes, that is it!  She likes someone new.  "No wonder my best client no longer has an interest in her old, cruel, cunning ways. No wonder she is kind, and down to earth now."  He says.  He shrugs his shoulders as  he  about to say, "Norro, dark wings fall,"  to  detransform  back to his civilian form when in the far distance away in some area of the southern region of the United States of America, he senses is a young woman in her mid thirties who is unhappy, unhappy about a dress and a lack of honesty.  He smiles once more. He makes an akuma appear in his hand.  He lets it go!  

      "Now, fly away my little akuma!  Fly away across the seas and various land mass until you reach your destination!" Hawkmoth orders

        The akuma always does what it is told, and it always knows who is to be akumantized.  It takes awhile longer than usual this time to find its target.  Nevertheless, it goes and continues onto until finally it finds her!  It finds the woman to whom it is make Hawkmoth's next slave. The woman now in charge of doing his task to retrieve the  Ladybug and Chat Noir earrings as no one else has ever succeeded at before. 

   to be continued in Chapter 2  The New   Villian !   

                                             Akumantized villian's mask after they accept Hawkmoth's offer!  Yikes!

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                                             Akumantized villian's mask after they accept Hawkmoth's offer!  Yikes!

The Gray Dress (AU) by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now