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Thoughts / Writing


Creature speak

Other language

Talking telepathically (in their minds)


Voldy Shorts POV

I walked through the door of the Potter's home. I could here James screaming and shooting hexes at me but I didn't have time for this so I shot a hex back and it hit the wall. Unfortunately, the wall fell on top of Potter and killed him. Oh well. I went upstairs and I walked into the children's room. Their mom screamed at me to take her and not her daughters so I stunned her. I looked and I saw one baby that was crying and screaming. She had red hair and muddy brown eyes. I reached out with my magic and found the the baby was barely above a squib. I turned and I saw the other baby, but what was weird about her was that she stared me right in the eye and smiled. A large smile that, quite frankly, was a little creepy. She had pitch black hair and the brightest green eyes. They were a familiar green, Avada Kedavera green. I reached out with my magic and I nearly fell over. Her core so big and so bright I stumbled a bit. She had a colorful core, but I could tell it was very dark. The colors told me that she was very powerful but the feel I got from her and her smile, which had become impossibly bigger, told me that her core was dark, very dark. I pointed my wand at her and said...

"Try to kill me, I dare you" 

After I heard that, I heard a insanely creepy laugh in my head.

I looked back at the green eyed child to find that she was laughing and grinning like a mad man. I raised up my wand and shouted the killing curse. It hit the baby, who was still laughing, but it bounced right off of her and hit me. I started to vanish, but not before seeing one of the beams fall and make a V shaped scar on the red headed baby.

Dumbledore's POV

I walked up to the the house and saw that part of it is destroyed. I walked in and I saw that James Potter was lying on the floor dead. Good ridence, I needed him gone and Riddle did it for me. I walked up the stairs and went into the nursery. I saw Lily lying on the floor, I checked her pulse and she was still alive. Damn, well at least she can raise one of her children. I walked over to the babies and checked their magical cores. Angel's core was barely more than a squib and Karma's was bigger than the fucking block. I knew that Karma was the one that survived the killing curse but she would be harder to manipulate so I knew that I was going to say that Angel was the Girl-Who-Lived. I revived Lily and we started talking.

"I'm sorry Lily but James died" I said with false sympathy

"W-what a-a-about m-my babies" She said

"They are fine and Angel survived the killing curse, she is the Girl-Who-Lived" I said

"W-well w-what about K-karma?" She asked

"I think it will be best if she goes to your sister Petunia so that she doesn't grow up jelous of Angel."

"O-ok, I-I think y-your r-right" She said

"I will take her there now. Goodbye Lily"

"Goodbye Albus"

I then took Karma to the Dursley's, left her on the door step, and left.

Karma's POV

I was sitting on the door step, very bored, when a young looking man with shoulder length brown hair came over and picked me up.

"Hello Karma, my name is Merlin and I am here to take you to people who will raise you to be a great witch." Merlin said

"Ok Merlin, but who are you and who are you taking me to?" I asked. When I said that in his mind, he looked a little startled but responded none the less.

"I am taking you back to when the Hogwarts founders were still alive. Their names are Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin." he said

"Ok, take me to them" I said, and with that, we were suddenly inside of an office with four people looking at us strangely.

"Who are you?!" the man dressed in red and gold robes asked

"My name is Karma Lilith Potter and the man holding me is apparently Merlin. He said that he was taking me to four people who are the founders of Hogwarts to raise me. I'm assuming that you're Godric" I said. He looked down at me and his eyes looked like the were going to pop out of his head so I giggled. Then everybody in the room looked at me. After they stared for about a minute, Godric looked up at the person holding me.

"Are you really Merlin?" he asked as everybody looked up at Merlin.

"I'm guessing she spoke to you, but yes I am Merlin. I went forward to her time and got her because if she were to stay in her time, the entire world would crumble. I have come here to ask you to raise her and teach her for she is to become a great witch." Merlin said.

"Ok, we will raise her" Godric said

"Good. Goodbye, I must return to my time." He handed me to the lady in yellow and black robes who I assumed was Helga and with that Merlin was gone.

I looked to Helga and said "Hello Helga, my name is Karma Lilith Potter. I know that you're Helga, the guy in red and gold robes is Godric, the woman in the blue and bronze robes is Rowena, and that the guy in green and silver robes is Salazar. Could you please hand me to Rowena?"

"S-s-sure" Helga stuttered as she handed me to Rowena. Godric and I were giggling and laughing.

"Who are you talking to Helga?" Rowena asked when I was in her arms. By now Helga was giggling as well.

"Just wait and see" Helga said while she and Godric were giggling. Rowena looked down at me and smiled.

"Hello Rowena, my name is Karma. I'm sorry that I have turned them into giggling fools but it's not my fault that they haven't talked to baby before." I said to her. She looked a little shocked at first but she soon joined me in laughing.

"This child is hilarious, I love it!" Rowena said while laughing.

"Why, what did she say?" Godric asked as he and Helga quieted.

"Oh, nothing just 'I'm sorry that I have turned them into giggling fools but it's not my fault that they haven't talked to a baby before'. It was hilarious!" Rowena said while Helga and Godric were glaring at me and her.

"Can you please hand me to Salazar, I wish to speak to him" I asked

"Of course Karma" She said as she passed me to Salazar

"Hello little one" Salazar said as looked down at me

"Hello Salazar, my name is Karma" I said in parseltounge which shut up all of the laughing

"Are you aware that you are speaking parseltounge Karma?" He said to me 

"Yes, it is the only language I can speak out loud currently other than creature speak because of my stupid baby body" I said as Salazar let out a snake like laugh

"Will you face me towards the rest of them, I wish to tell them and you something" I asked

"Of course little one" He hissed as he turned me towards them

"Ok, I'm going to give everybody a nick name because I don't feel like saying your full names all of the time." I said in everyone's minds.

"Godric will be Ricky, Helga will be Helly, Rowena will be Roro, and Salazar will be Sally" I said while Sally was glaring at me and everybody else just laughed. I laughed and Sally's face softened.

This was going to be fun.

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