Chapter 2

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Thoughts / Writing


Creature speak

Other language

Talking telepathically (in their minds)


~(Time skip to Karma's 11th birthday)~

Karma's POV

Today is my 11th birthday so that means that I can finally go and get a wand. These past years I have had to do all of my magic wandlessly and soon I was able to do all of my magic wordlessly as well but it would be nice to have a wand so that people can't figure me out as easily and it would be less suspicious. Linny has taught me all that he could by now so there is nothing else magically (or anything else for that matter) for me to learn. Father has already taught me how to fight with all of the weapons there is as well as hand to hand combat. The training with father was and still is really fun, I like knowing that I easily bring severe pain to anyone that wants to pick a fight with me. Anyway, it is breakfast time and the founders are coming over so I should probably go to the dining hall to eat. I put on a green shirt to go with my emerald eyes and black pants to go with my hair. I walk into the dining hall and I see the founders, my father, and Linny standing around a circle of runes.

"Hey guys. What are you doing?" I ask. They all stop talking and they face me.

"Well, we were going to ask you before but we wanted to be ready if you were to agree." Father said. 

"Agree to what?" I asked

"We all were going to blood adopt you if you wanted to." Linny said

"Of course I want to be adopted by all of you. I love you guys!" I said as I jumped into a big group hug. 

We started the blood adoption ritual and it was the weirdest feeling. I felt all tingly and happy. When the ritual was done everyone looked at me and gasped. I was curious as to why they did that so I summoned a body length mirror. I looked entirely different. My hair became a blond-ish white with some black strands in it. The white parts of my hair looked like snow and the black parts looked like fiery shadows. My lips became fuller and overall I became very beautiful. My eyes are what surprised me the most though. My left eye became a blood red with black flecks in it and my right eye became a light icy blue with hints of really dark blue and gold. I know that when I grow up I will become very beautiful. I make the mirror go back to my room and I look at everybody.

"I love the way I look now, though I don't know where the hair and the eyes from" I said

"I think that you got the hair from Rowena" Helly said

"But her hair is only black" I said confused

"Yes but she is a siren and in her siren form, she has white hair" Helly said 

"Oh, okay, but what about the eyes?" I asked

"I think you got your red and black eye from Salazar, Godric, and Arthur because Sally is a demon, Ricky is a fire phoenix, and Arthur is a dragon" Helly explained further 

"You probably got the other eye from Helga and Merlin because Helga is an angel and Merlin is an ice and shadow phoenix hybrid." Father said

"That makes a lot of sense." I state stupidly

After they were done explaining we all ate and Sally took me to Diagon Ally to get me a wand. We walked into Ollivander's and a short, older woman popped her head up from behind the desk.

"Hello my name is Linda, how may I help you?" the woman, now known as Linda, asked

"I'm here to buy a new wand." she started to rush behind the shelves of wands to look for one but I stopped her.

"There is no need for that, I will just find one by reaching out with my magic." I said to her as she made her way back to the front.

I reached out with my magic and I felt it pull towards two wands so I summoned the wands to me. The first one I recognized as the Elder Wand. The second one was a beautiful blue and black and it had vine designs on it with a gem in the middle of the handle. 

"An old man came in the other day and said that he found those wands and he gave them to us

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"An old man came in the other day and said that he found those wands and he gave them to us." Linda said

I went inside of her head to see a picture of the man that dropped these wands off here and I recognized him to be the old man version of Merlin. I turned to Sally and said "Linny". Sally and I started laughing and Linda was very confused. I walked over to the wall and grabbed a couple different types of wand holsters. 

"How much for all of this?" I asked

"That will be 12 galleons" Linda said as Sally paid.

"The other founders and I wanted you to come and visit Hogwarts" Sally said 

"Ok, then lets go" I said as I apparated us Hogwarts.

When we got there, the rest of the founders jumped on me and said that it was time for lunch and that they had another present for me. When I opened it I saw a really old cloak. I looked at it a little bit closer and I recognized it as the Cloak of Invisibility. They explained that it was mine and that I had it when I first came here and they wanted to give me something from my time. I thanked them and we continued eating our lunch. After we were done eating, I went to walk around Hogwarts and I ended up inside of the room of requirement. I didn't really think of a room I wanted so I ended up in a room that had a bunch of old artifacts and books. As I was looking around, I noticed that there was a shine in the corner of the room. I went over to it and I picked it up. It was a small red stone that was on top of a ring. I looked at it closer and I knew that this was the resurrection stone. After I realized what it was, I shoved it in my pocket and left the room, apparating back to Pendragon castle.


Hey guys! I'm glad that at least some people are enjoying my story. I'm sorry about all of the time skips but they will stop happening as often after the next few chapters. I'm also sorry about the slow updates but as I said before, I only write when I feel like it and those time are pretty all over the place soooo........yeah. Right now I am working on the next chapter and I should have it out soon. Byyyyyeeeee!!!!!

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