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Araminta and Theseus as partners

It has been almost two years since I officially joined the Auror department. Time flew by in a blur and I was soon promoted to work in the field. My work as an investigator was recognised by the Head of Magical Law Enforcement himself.

Apparently, I was able to find information from secret meetings of Grindlewald's followers during a recon mission. These new leads managed to ignite a jump start in the investigations. My efforts were highlighted during a meeting among the higher up ministry officials by Theseus Scamander himself.

I never expected him to bring up my name and soon I was called into the respective meeting. Realising that I am a metamorphmagus, Torquil Travers himself requested that I was to join the field and arranged for me to be mentored under Theseus Scamander who was also then announced as the new Head Auror.

Things started becoming more serious after my promotion, I was actually going out to catch dark wizards and witches rather than hiding in disguise all the time.

Having Theseus Scamander as a direct mentor and boss was could I describe it? Yes, he is incredible in his work. He has a strong sense of justice, quick-witted and I have seen him duel firsthand. It was a sight to behold.

It only increased anxiety for me to perform up to his high expectations. I did not want to seem like I am falling behind or dragging him down. Theseus Scamander as a person, how should I start....

He is always prim and proper, but he does not sit idly by the rules. There are moments that I have witnessed where he does not hesitate to speak his mind against the superiors if he felt strongly about something. He seems too good to be true....

"There's a lead on a possible meeting between Grindlewald's followers. We're heading over right now." I looked up from current paperwork to said man standing tall over my desk.

"On it." I grabbed my wand and coat. I was 5'7 but merlin, I had to practically run to keep up with him.

We were both making our way to the elevator on our floor. Thankfully, we only had to move down one floor so small talk can be avoided. There was hardly much personal interaction between us. We always talked about work or anything related.

Our relationship was awkward but thankfully we had been so busy with recent Grindlewald sightings and related investigations that I did not put any serious thought on it.

When we arrived at the lobby, we were both making our way out when I heard someone calling my name.

"Minty!" My eyes widened at the recognition of the voice-

"Where are you heading off to?" My sister, Faelyn also known as Fae came walking over to greet me. She looked over to Theseus Scamander who didn't know how to react to this sudden situation.

"Important stuff, gotta go. Bye!" I tried to avoid any small talk. I wanted to avoid showing any personal aspects of my life to my boss at all.

"Hey, hey! That's no way to talk to your sister." Fae chided me with an almost hurt look.

"Scamander." She finally acknowledge my boss' presence.

"Chang." He returned the acknowledgement.

"Come on, sis. It's really urgent, investigative stuff." My frown lines started to appear on my forehead as I scrunched my face to show that I was serious.

"Well alright, be careful." She brought a hand to the side of my face. I nodded at her act of concern. There was a discussion during the last family dinner. I told my family that I was officially going out into the field and there was a heated debate whether it was the right thing for me.

My mother was very defensive about me facing with dark wizards and witches, after all I was still her baby. The youngest of her children. My father had his concerns but he knew that this had to come with the job.

My siblings were rather supportive of what I chose to do but they could not help to voice their worries too. I hated making my family worry but I knew this chance was something I should not let go.

Afterall, it would be irresponsible for me to hold back given that I had the opportunity to fight back in this turbulent time.

I had to look at the bigger picture.

With not a moment to lose, Theseus Scamander and I headed to the muggle streets of London. We needed to continue the rest of our journey to the location by foot.

We started to make our way in silence as always. My ears perked at the sound of his voice speaking up.

"You and your sister seems close." My head turned quickly to face the man walking beside me. I was surprised at his attempt (first one ever) to make small talk that was not work related.

"Yeah....but we fight a lot too." I almost winced after I realized that I was giving too much information. I was surprised at what came next after.

He actually let out a small laugh. I had seen him smile before but I haven't seen him laugh in all my time knowing him.

"I guess that's always the case with siblings, huh." He said as he looked off at the side like he was recalling something.

"You don't see eye to eye, but heart to heart." I spoke sentimentally. "You can fight with them all the time but you know you can never live without them."

"Yeah that's about right." He smiled wistfully. "I have a younger brother- Newt. We don't always see eye to eye but I care for him. I don't know if he does feel the same way. Sometimes it feels like we're two totally different people that cannot seem to get along."

"Believe me, sir. From a younger sibling's perspective, he cares. He might just be shy to show it." I responded thoughtfully, hoping to cheer him up.

"Newt shy?" He wondered aloud before letting out a brief chuckle. He turned over to look at me and I did the same. I realised I never look straight at him before for more than a few seconds. A sudden feeling of unfounded shyness washed over me as I turned my gaze forward.

"Drop the sir. I'm not that much older than you and we've been partners for almost two months. Call me Theseus." Theseus spoke earnestly. I could still feel his gaze on me but I could not return it to him.

"Alright....Theseus." The name rolled off my tongue awkwardly. It was a weird feeling, getting a step closer with the famed hero who happened to be my boss.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Theseus flashed a grin my way before turning his head forward. I was left staring at his profile.

My mind was running with thoughts on how Theseus suddenly felt a little more affable underneath his usual strait-laced demeanor at work. Given that he is after all an esteemed Auror and wizard while I am just an ordinary rookie walking beside him.

At that moment, it felt like there was more to Theseus Scamander than just his war hero title. I felt like I was shown a more personal side to him and I didn't mind it all.
Hi! Sorry for such a long-awaited update! Have been busy in my personal life so I only got around to writing last night.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and do leave me comments on what kind of imagines/ prompts you would like for this story! 😉 I already have some of my own so I will be writing those I had planned in mine. Do note that these stories are much shorter and show snippets rather than a full continuous narrative. This is the format I am using.

The story is now more centered on Theseus and Araminta as it shows the beginning of her story before it deviates to one where Newt will be more involved. You can expect to see unrequited love and a rise of roller coaster emotions (fluff and angst) for this story! 🎢

Stay tune for more! Add this story to your reading list and like it too! I'm planning on the next few chapters now.

Angsty-cat 💙💛

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