Chapter 15 - Survival lessons

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Taylor and Char followed the creek downhill until they came to a small lake in the centre of a broad clearing. Several bushes and a lone white tree clustered together on the far side of the lake. A gentle breeze rippled through the long, yellow grass.

"It's beautiful. What do you call that?" Taylor pointed at the lake.

"Pond," said Char.

"That's a human name," said Taylor.


"Why didn't you say an Illiya name?"

"Cannot pronounce this. Illiya name is like this," warbled Char.

"Oh," said Taylor.

"Many Illiya names, humans can make the sounds. Some, not possible."

Taylor whistled softly.

Char looked at her in surprise. "I had forgotten you could... whistle."

"You, forget?" smiled Taylor. "I thought you never forgot anything."

Char paused. "Not... forgot, misplaced memory, other things are more important right now."

Taylor grinned. "You forgot something!"

Char waved his arms, agitated. "No, did not forget. Would you try... whistle... again?"

Taylor pursed her lips and gave out a small warble.

"Almost. Like this." Char warbled.

Taylor copied him.

Char gave her a broad smile. "You are closer to Illiya, soon you may speak properly. This is good!"

Taylor flushed pink. "I did it okay?"

Char nodded. "Yes, very close. You must practice. But only sounds I teach you. Other sounds, may attract meat eaters."

Taylor nodded. "Got it."

They strolled along the edge of the lake, Char pointing out different plants and some small aquatic creatures. Some names were whistled, others were pronounced with the lips, teeth and tongue, like typical human speech.

"You learn well," observed Char.

Taylor blushed. "Thank you, Char."

They had been walking in silence for a few minutes when Taylor asked "Char?"


"What is the name of your planet?"


Taylor stopped beside a tall thatch of grass. "No, I mean it's real name."

"Oh," said Char. He warbled three long, sharp notes.

"Why did you say it was Aeden then? Your people?"

"Human sound, human name. Humans before, they had this name for our planet."

"Oh. So your people really spent a lot of time with the other humans before."


"What happened to them?"

"They ran away when the Aarden attacked again."

"Did any come back?"

Char stood silent.


He fingered the long grass.

"Char, you said they all ran away. Did any come back?"

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