Aeden's Flora and Fauna

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Fasek [Faw-sehk] Yellow fungus, grows on the dark side of trees, away from bright light.


Bleck [Bl-ehk] A small, delicious, green spiky fruit. Access edible portion of the fruit by splitting along the spines and pulling out the flesh, or turn inside out.

Falm [Fah-lm] A flat, round black fruit with orange spots.

Gargen [Gah-rg-en] A purple ovoid fruit with yellow spots.

Gak [Gack] A small pink fruit with blue stripes. Good for breakfast meal.

Karm [Kahrm] A long, bumpy orange fruit, speckled with purple dots. Sweet.

Maal [Mawl] A tan-coloured pod with soft seeds inside. Increases stamina and strength.

Pik [Pihk] A round green fruit with orange spots.

Spikken [Spih-ken] A lumpy yellow fruit. Builds strong muscles.

Taar [Tar] A purple sphere with red juice. Tastes like a heavy bread. Nice texture.

Thrag [Th-rag] A thin brown fruit with orange spots.

Took [Tuhk] A large soft-skinned green fruit with orange spots.

Yargg [Y-ahr-g] A smooth skinned fruit with pale skin. Has small seeds, safe to eat whole. Good for filling the stomach for long journeys.


Parg [Pahrg] A smooth purple cylinder, about the size of a small cucumber. Healing food post-tree fever.

Prak [Prahk] A small round purple fruit with light dots. Helps with tree fever. Peel flesh, grind up to a fine paste. Mix with dirt. Cut the husk, fold the skin inside out and place each half between the upper and lower lip and gums.

Prill [Pr-ihl] A lumpy green fruit, good for healing cuts and wounds.

Raagen [Rah-gh-en] A pear-shaped fruit, yellow on top, green on the bottom. Orange-coloured juice. Healing properties. Relaxant, overdose makes you sleepy/drunk. Cracking the seed while eating will paralyze you and transform you into an Urm.

Takken [Tah-ken] A yellow curved fruit, similar in appearance to a banana. Healing food post-tree fever.

Thock [Thawk] A bumpy round sphere about the size of a tennis ball, solid orange with black spots. Healing food post-tree fever.

Tham [Thahm] Toughens skin, dermatological healing properties. Do not take internally.


Haar [Har] browny-green curved pod. Do not touch, exterior of fruit contains toxins.

Vurg [Verg] Paralyzes when eaten, for 8-12 hours.

Kurg [Kerg] Purple ovoid fruit, orange spots, grows on dark green vine.


Asook [Ah-suhk], Sacred to Illiya. Seasonal black bulbs provide essential enzymes to support healthy fertility in larger animal species.


Push-tar [Push-tar] A bright red sphere with purple stem. Intoxicant.

Maken [May-ken] A brown fruit, acts like a strong beer.

Ping [Ping] relaxant, gives nice dreams.

Takru [Tah-k-roo] A small, light pink fruit, smooth skin, size of a cherry. Vapour inside. Seeds grow alongside the fruit and get hooked into the muzzles of animals who come to eat the fruit.


Urm [Uhrm] Memory tree.

Yahnee [Yah-knee] Restoring/healing tree. Can replenish stores of energy and balance physiology when stressed. Can also repair many types of injury.


Drazen [Drah-zen] A creature similar in size and appearance to a small Earth rat or large mouse. Herbivore.

Floop [Fuh-loop] A small green lizard, 20-25cm in size. Eats bugs.

Kahlee [Kah-lee] Carnivorous insect, hangs webs from trees containing paralysing toxin, eats bugs and small birds.

Killer Squirrel [Whit-whit-tweet] A small grey animal, four legs, four eyes, grey fur, bushy tail. Approximately the size of an earth squirrel. Carnivore, eats birds, bugs and smaller creatures.

Nak [Nahk] A small, six-hooved animal the size of a small pig. Herbivore.

Sploor [Sploh-ur] An eight-legged four-toed herbivore with bilateral symmetry, four legs on each side. Dense coat with an alternating dark and light striped pattern.

Trillip [Tr-ih-lip] Aviary variant, with orange and purple feathers, approximately the size of an Earth hummingbird. Eats bugs and seeds.

Urlock - [Uhr-lock] Large herbivore, average size 100kg, six legs, two eyes, fur, tri-part hooves.

Vaseth - [Vah-seth] Carnivore, four legs, two eyes. Claws and teeth release toxin resulting in temporary but immediate paralysis, enabling them to eat their victim at their leisure (alive, awake and aware).

Yeesum [Yee-suhm] Small rodent, similar in size to a Drazen. Herbivore.

Yurm - [Yehrm] Small herbivore, the size of a hamster, four legs, claws.

Intelligent species

Illiya [Ih-lee-yah] Humanoid, green-skinned, vertically symmetrical with two eyes, two ears, bipedal, two upper limbs, each hand has two thumbs and four fingers. Feet have six toes. Hair: none. Food preferences: Vegan (vegetable matter only).

Aarden [Ahr-dehn]Humanoid, bipedal, two upper limbs, two lower limbs. Other details not recordedat this time. Food preferences: Carnivorous; known to attack and kill Illiya ona periodic basis.    

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