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The following is an excerpt of Incursion, book #2 in the Taylor Neeran Chronicles.


Taylor stood alone on top of the blackened hill, the stars slowly turning overhead. As she watched, the sun slowly rose in the sky, revealing the blackened forest below her. She felt a tickle under her bare feet and stepped to the side. Where she had been standing, a green sprout pushed out of the earth. As she watched the growing sprout, the sky flickered between light and darkness as time sped up. Soon she was standing underneath a tall, white barked tree, its leaves flickering into existence and then disappearing as the seasons passed. She looked out over the now-grown forest, full and rich with life. A skittering noise beside her drew her attention. A small brown Drazen sat on the rock beside her, nose quivering.

"Hello, little mouse." She reached down and the Drazen climbed up her arm to sit on her shoulder. Together they watched the seasons pass by in a flow of changing colour.

Suddenly, time slowed down. The full hunter moon sat frozen in the sky, set like a jewel in the middle of the broad curve of the Milky Way. Taylor watched for a long time, but all remained still. She turned her head to look at the Drazen, and the sky flickered into motion. One by one, the stars began to fall from the sky, and where they touched Aeden, the forest began to burn. Each small fire joined together until they formed a single wall of flame rushing towards her. She saw the curling of the flames and felt the scorching heat of the fire as it swept up the hill toward her and-

The Taylor Neeran Chronicles continue in book two,


Illiya - Taylor Neeran Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now