Chapter 20 - School of hard knocks

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Taylor waited in the rain and mud for hours. She waited until her stomach rumbled. She waited until the hunger passed into a cold ache and the sun dipped below the horizon. "He's not coming back," she whispered to the falling rain as it mingled with her tears.

The puddles surrounding her fed small braided streams that twisted between the rocks as they began their long journey down the hill. She squished the soft mud between her toes and examined her bare, mud-splattered legs in the fading gloom.

She watched her scattered reflection in the soupy mud and gave a bitter laugh. "Well, there's no point in staying here any longer."

Taylor pulled herself up onto her feet with her walking stick, then picked up her small backpack.

"Before I completely lose the mountains in the dark, let's double check where I'm going," she pointed. "Dak Point. Mount Tik. Char... pass," she sniffed. "Fasek on the left. That way, or close enough. At least the forest should help with the rain."

Her shoes spattered mud on her arms as they bounced on their long laces, making the pack feel as heavy as her spirits as she slipped and skidded downhill through the scattered boulders.

She tossed a shoe back over her shoulder as she rested against the last boulder, rubbing at a bruise on her right arm. With a sigh she pushed herself away from the rock and resumed her walking-slide downhill.

At the edge of the forest, Taylor paused. She stared up into the dark clouds overhead, rain streaming down her neck and through her soaked clothing. She clenched her right fist around the walking stick.

"Damned aliens! I'm going home, to Earth. Just let them try to stop me."

Taylor stabbed her walking stick into a puddle and entered the blackness of the forest.

Mud, roots and an angry girl

Taylor held onto branches and tree trunks as she slowly made her way down the steep hill. The ground gradually levelled out until she could walk more easily between the rows of trees. She made slow progress, slipping and tripping in the mud for what felt like hours. Her walking stick helped a little, but after poking herself in the foot for the fourth time, she walked along with it held out at her side for balance.

"Damn him!" yelled Taylor as she splashed through another mud puddle. "Damn, bloody, stupid, selfish Illiya! Why did he have to take things the wrong way?"

"I mean, I like him. I really do. Char's kind, and helpful, and always there, and I could count on him, you know?" She splashed in the mud.

"It was just a stupid name, nothing to get weird about. And it's not like I haven't ever kissed an alien. I've kissed plenty. But that's not the point!"

"I mean, he doesn't get it! It just doesn't work like that in the long term, right? So yeah, he's great to snuggle up to and keep me warm at night. It's not like we're ever going to... you know. And a few little kisses on the cheek, not even on the mouth! And the first time the damn fool thought I was trying to eat him!" she laughed bitterly.

"These bloody trees don't help with the rain at all. They funnel it all down the middle of the path, making one big, bloody mud slide!" She skidded into a root and steadied herself with the walking stick.

"Well, at least there's one good thing, I suppose. I. Can. See. In. The. Bloody. Dark!" she yelled at the trees as she splashed each word. "Yeah, you! The trees listening to me! You hearing this? Well, I've got a message for your friend Char, if you see him. You can tell him-" she slid in the mud, falling flat on her back.

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