abandoned and evolved

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When I and Fara continued exploring tue world that surrounded us we noticed that it werent actually holes that were in the dinosaurs. But a black substance that growed ovet their skin. Just like the buildings the dinosaurs were getting taken over by something. The world looked like a giant city that got abandoned for some reason. I and Fara thought about the story.. even if I dinsaur gets mad. It won't kill everything that comes on its path. A dunosaur only kills when it's hungry..

Then why did he tell us a lie?

While I and afra grabbed our bags we saw those robotic machines walking pretty close to our house. Fara loaded her guns and gave me a conserned face. ''We will be fine, asloong we don't move too close to them they don't have a reason to attack..'' I said. ''what if they don't need a reason to..''

we waved good bye to the man and continued our journey. while we walked through the abonded city like area we saw a giant dome in the distance. in the dome was a hugedesert.. it reminded me or scorched earth.. but, it looked so small from the outside. maybe it was the distance fooling us. 

''Stop..'' fara whispered and pulled me back into a building. ''what.. what's wrong'' I said confused. fara pointed at a huge shado that was standing right next to the buildings door.. I heard a low growling sound and Red glowing eyes apeard in front of the shattered glass. we could hear it's heavy breathing it was searching for us..

We heard the loud foot steps fading away slowly I and fara got up. ''it left..'' she sighed trying to smile. I nodded and opened the door a little and peaked outside to see where it went. not even a 100 meter away.. there it was.. It wa one of biggest rexes Ivé ever seen. a black plant was wrapped around it's skin and it seemed like those tentacles moved..'' I saw how it looked back a me.. this wasn't an ordinary rex.. A normal rex would just have walked away.. Rexes can't see a not moving target.. although it could smell them. but Rexes their smell is limited due to the small nose holes... I thought in my mind. I slowly grabbed my gun and whispered to fara. ''I think, I we should go back inisde....'' I said calmly. ''I doubt if we make it inisde'' she whispered back. to our surprising the rex turnbed it's head and walked away. ''I guess, It had already eaten today..'' fara said. ''Don't start chearing yet..'' I said while pointing behind us. A man wearing metal armor was standing behind us aiming a gun at us. ''well.. shit..'' was all what fara said while dropping her crossbow. ''Who are you guys!'' the man screamed while pointing the gun at Fara. ''Survivors..'' I said. ''From inside or outside the dome!'' the man said. ''Inside..'' fara said while grabbing her crossbow when the man lowered his weapon. ''I thought you was dead max..'' Fara said while hugging max tightly. ''fara?'' max said . ''But how..?'' fara let go of him and srugged ''luck..'' Max opened his backpack and took out fara het necklace ''You forgot this..'' he said smiling. ''how did you survive? we found your body!'' I said confused.. ''No, I.. Followed you but lost track of you both when the sand storm started. I walked into a small cave entrance near the lake and found a small cave with a lake with fresh water.. I stayed there for a while.. Until I woke up here.. he said confused. ''probably the ship picked you up..'' I said tryin to figure out what happened. ''Any idea what happened here?'' he said while pointing at the buildings and overgrown cars. ''A dude we met earlier spoke about a war with humans and dinosaurs..'' max shgaked his head. ''I think it's a lot more than just a war..

When it got darker we went into a small building that was in a good state.. we found some nearly came back to life food and some cans with beans. ''What is this?'' fara said while throwing package with green and purple substances. ''I turned the package around ''fish with pickless and egg salad..'' I readed. ''I better hope people didn't eat that when it was fresh..'' fara giggled. "while we searched around the store we found multiple weird things. we found jackets filled up with holes created by small animals. and some other weird looking food that smelled terribly. 

''sleep well baby maxy'' fara said while giving hima shit eating grin'' ''max threw a bag at her. ''even though I missed you as hell.. you still cant name me Maxy!'' ''Okay maxy'' I said smirking''

''damn both of you'' 

While I got up Fara was already busy making us breakfast. "What is that?" I asked while staring at a green blob that was laying on a damaged plate. "The package said fish with vegetables" I stared at her "uh, Okay.." max stared at me with a concerned face. "Run now you got the chance" I whispered smirking. Max got up and stared at the plate. "Is that T-rex shit?" Max said while poking into it. "No, its fish with vegetables" I smiled "it was nice knowing both of you" I said. "What do you mean by that?" Fara said "doubting my kitchen magic?!" I tried to hide my smile "not just your cooking art Fara.."

After our 'great' breakfast it was time to move on. Max was still trying to keep his breakfast in his stomach. Fara on the other hand didnt seem to have any problems doing so.. "what's that?" Fara said while pointing at a Weird wolf like creature that stared at us with his beautiful eyes. "No idea.." I said while staring at max hoping got an answer. "Doesn't look dangerous.." I said. "That's.. because THAT is a baby" "so..?" Max pulled me back "and that are its parents!!"

Slowly I max and Fara walked away from the wolf trying not to make the parents mad. While I and max grabbed our weapons we heard a whistle and the wolves turned their heads away from us. "Sorry about that" a figure covered in black clothing said. "I thought you guys were from the sand devils" the figure said. "Sand devils?" I asked while lowering my weapon. "Yeah, they attacked us multiple times this season" I nodded. "Well, we aren't from that tribe.." I said looking at max and fara. "Then what tribe are you guys?" Max snickered "we are just a group or morons that are seeking for a place to stay.. after almost being aten by a plant like T-rex.." max said while putting his weapon back on his back. "Plant t-rex? Oh, you mean those abandoned rexes that live on the edge of this area" "I guess.." Max said. Giving the figure a confused face. "It didn't attack us" fara said. Almost sounding like a question. "Yeah, for some reason they don't hunt on humans.."

"Why?" Fara asked. "I don't know, not interested maybe.." the figure said while handing us some water. "Thirsty?" The figure asked friendly. "No, we're fine" I said back.

While walking down the streets we saw another corrupted T-rex. We started to namethem that way because well.. yeah, they seemed corrupted. They didn't act like normal rexes. "We should name them plant rexes" max said smiling. "Why?" I asked. "They look like a living and biting plant" max said giving us a shit eating grin. "What ever.." was all what Fara said while sitting down on a piece of concrete that had fallen off a nearly completely destroyed building. "So.. what are we going to do now?" Max said while sitting down next to her. "I don't know, try not to yet eaten I guess.."

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