Chapter 10

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{Reader's POV}
Today Jeff is taking me on our first date. Yes we been dating for some time but this was our official date not just watching movies at him.I am so excited to see where he takes me. "what should I  wear it's going to be a bit cold because fall is starting" I ask myself as I look through my clothes. Finally deciding on a warm casual look.

I start to curl my (H/c) hair once finished I look in the mirror satisfied with the results. Next is makeup putting on some bb cream and mascara finishing with chapstick "done", I smile as I look at myself.

I go downstairs and wait for Jeff to arrive going on my phone and sitting on the couch. Few minutes past and I hear a knock on the door. I smile grabbing my bag I  open the door. My eyes meets his making me feel like I was in a rollercoaster. "You look beautiful", I hear Jeff say "thank you", I say blushing. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug I feel myself relax in the hug. We walk down the streets I still wonder  were we are going "sooo where are we going", I ask

"I was thinking about going to watch the movie you wanted to watch,"

"sounds great", I say as I smile without thinking I link our hands I feel him tense under my touch I quickly let go not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.
"Why you let go?", he asks and grabs my hand. We walk to the movie theater holding hands we got stares from time to time but I didn't care.

☆Time Skip to when the movie ends☆

We decided to go to the park near my house. We sit down in the benches looking at the sunset "its so beautiful don't you think Jeff?" I turn to look at him his face was inches away from mine making my  heart beat so fast I close my eyes feeling his lips against mine the kiss was gentle and meaningful. We pulled away from each other leaving me wanting more. But we didn't this was our first kiss and it just made me feel the happiest girl in the world.

After watching the sunset in each other's arms, we start to walk to my house hand in hand. From the distance, I could see someone waiting in front of my door the person turn our way I immediately recognized him.

He was a childhood friend back then my parents were very close to his family and we were often meet up for holidays and such. I became close to him since he was my only friend. " Noah is that you?" I ask
"Hi, (Y/n) I relieved to hear you remember me" he looks over to Jeff horror can be seen in his face

"Yeah, well what are you doing here Noah?"

"last time I heard you and your family moved here I wanted to pay a visit, who is this?" He asked with disgust in his voice
"he is my boyfriend," I said
"oh...I didn't think you would have someone already and definitely not someone like him he doesn't seem like your type"

{Jeff's POV}
Who the fuck is this dude he starting to irritate me, I just wanted to destroy his fucking pretty rich kid face.

"You don't know me well enough anymore to know who my type is besides it shouldn't concern you", I hear (Y/n) say clearly annoyed. "Well I am just saying this as your close friend he doesn't look even human (Y/n), you know you should know you have options." He saids touching (Y/N)'s hand.

I couldn't help myself I threw him down to the ground and became blind with range. I could hesr  (Y/n) screaming for me to stop before I knew it blood covered the floor and my hands as I stabbed him over and over. I felt her hug me from behind "stop Jeff he's already dead" her voice only a whisper. I stop and she pulls away. I turn around facing her. She had her head down "(Y/n) look at me", She slowly does tears falling down her face. I felt my heart break and for once in my life, I felt guilty of killing someone.


I hope you enjoyed Chapter 10

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