Chapter 17

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(Reader's POV)
After what happened yesterday I've been staying in my room. Of course, leaving the room to eat. But I had managed to get some books from what seems to be a library. To keep me entertain I was planning on leaving once Jeff came back and never coming back. I learned that there was only one real test. The rest was how I behaved being with the other. I don't think slenderman would like if I left but I could care less. I have done his little test and passed.

I grab a new book opening to the first page. These books were mostly about weapons, the human mind, and body. Before I can start reading I start to hear yelling coming from outside my room. Rolling my eyes I continue with the reading. A few minutes past but there was still yelling. oh how I wish to have my headphones and phone to listen to music right now. I turn the next page muting all the noises as best as I could but not successing very much.

(No one's  POV)
Not even 7 minutes passed when (y/n)"s door is knocked down by Ben and Toby. She looks up as the two guys fight not noticing her in the bed. She closes her book loudly earning the attention of the two. They stop and look at her as she stands up from the bed and walks out not even looking at them once she leaves the room.

(Reader's POV)
I can't even be in my room without someone intruding I know they are killers and not normal people but come on. I walk down the stair heading to the door I know I told myself I will wait until Jeff comes back but I can't be here anymore I almost died here and my door just got smash down which was the  only place where I could run to if they tried to kill me. Meaning no safety, I opened the door before I could take a step outside. The door is shut right in front of me. I turned to face the rude person, who is no other than slenderman.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked

"Home" I said

"You cannot leave"

"Why I passed your test?"

"Even if you have passed the test you can not leave. If you disobey me there will be consequences even death."

I look down finally realizing 'I can't leave even if I wanted to. I was kidnapped by a bunch of killers one of them who is my so-called boyfriend who I don't even know where he is. what was I thinking a killer caring for someone? for all, I know he could have tricked me into believing he cared for me. How dumb I was to fall straight into the trap.

"I will get your door fix, go back to your room" he said

I can not just stay here like a scared cat I have to at least try to escape shit he can hear my thoughts. Slenderman starts to walk away and I quickly open the door running outside i needed to do it now or never. I run as fast as I can knowing someone is behind me. My lungs and heart were pumping, and the air didn't seem to be enough for me as I ran forward.

Soon enough my legs start to feel weak. But I ignore the pain that starts crossing throughout my legs and chest. I look behind hoping that no one is there, and there wasn't I become more worried. In the distance I see him. I stop running looking him straight in his eyes.

"Where are you going princess? Did you miss me?" His smile grows larger

"Where the fuck have you been, you left me all by myself, I almost died." I said looking him with tears

"I told you, I could hide you and you didn't want too. Now you're complaining?" he answered

His words cause me to drop to my knees my legs giving out. I hear as he walks closer stopping in front of me. He had never spoken to me so harsh. He grabs my chin making me look at him. He seemed different.

"What? Cat got your tongue, you're pathetic.  I leave for a little and you're acting like a baby" he saids smiling

"I want to go home back to (c/n) and I'm not acting like a baby. I'm mentally exhausted from being surrounded by death"
I push him away from me

"That cat is probably dead, (y/n) also what home, that isn't your home. Your home is with me princess and don't be so dramatic. It's annoying, I like you better when you don't open your mouth to speak other to kiss me" he saids as he pulls me back kissing me hard.

I pulled myself off him, disgusted him and his words.

"What is wrong with you? How could you say such a thing. I don't want any of this, I'm not being dramatic and don't fucking kiss me" I said

"(Y/n), you know I can't be without you. You make me feel human I need you. You need to understand, you have no choice. I'm done being your little dog. You can't control me, this is me and you can't leave now after all we been through." He saids pulling me into a hard hold.

"Let me go, I don't need to be with you." I said feelings anger

"Princess, you are mine and only mine. Just let me take care of you. You won't need to do anything but just be with me" he saids holding me tighter.

"No, I'm not a doll you can just play with. What happened Jeff? Why are you acting like this. This isn't the jeff I love. You've changed" I said

"Changed? Hahah you are saying I've changed? This is who I truly am (y/n). I was only nice to get you to fall in love for me "

"What? I said feeling betrayed

Back then when he hugged me, I would feel safe and happy but right now it doesn't feel the same. It doesn't feel right, I want to just get away from him.

"Let me go, I hate you. Jane was right you are a monster." I said

He let's go of me and starts to laugh.

"I guess you have met that annoying bitch. I know I'm a monster I have been a monster the whole time I was with you.

I couldn't stand it, I punched him straight in the nose making him step back and grab his face. He lets go of his face blood dipping down. I started to feel bad,

"Jeff, I-I didn't" I was cut short by him pushing me to the ground. He wrapped his hands around my neck choking me. I tried taking his hands off.

"Jeff, I can't breathe, you're hurting me" I said but he just tightes his grip. I start to feel beyond scared. He was killing me.

Suddenly everything goes black.


I hoped you enjoyed chapter 17

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