Chapter 13

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{Reader's POV}
Time has passed since I forgiven Jeff. Also not long ago people came looking for Noah but I lied telling them I never seen him.They believe me and never came back.

After what happened in my room with Jeff he hasn't come to see me for weeks I am thinking that maybe I did something wrong but I know I didn't. I sit outside my house looking at the woods, it may sound pathetic but I been doing this for a couple of days now waiting for him to come I just sit here in the cold it has started to snow now but that doesn't keep me from waiting.

I finally decide to go inside. As I stand to leave I hear noises from the woods. I stop and turn around facing the woods "who is there?" Hoping its Jeff I ask I get no answer. I start to walk in the woods. "Hello?" I hear someone laughing I turn to where the laughter is coming from my hope of it being Jeff is gone.

I start to run back to my house feeling whoever the one laughing chasing me. Before I can reach the door I am tackled to the ground. I try to push them away from me "get off me bitch!" I am turned over to face whoever was on top of me.

It wore a dark blue mask with no mouth or nose and the thing that freak me out was that he had no eyes just empty, black sockets that had some black substance dripping from its sockets.

I tried to punch the thing but failed. "Stop moving around" as the things speak it takes out a rag I keep trying to get him out of me. He puts the rag in my face not letting go as I kick and push, I try to scream but it came out as muggled screams soon I become sleepy, slowing my eyes closed and everything goes dark.

As my eyelids flickered open the harsh light makes me squint once I have adjusted to the light I scan my resoundings I was laying in a bed and was in a room with white walls that had some red substance splattered I never very well what it was.

As I try to move I realize that I have been chained up to the bed. Fuck I was definitely not going to stay in a room where there is blood on the walls I furrowed my eyebrows and yanked my wrists. I felt unbearable pain making me stop of course they wouldn't come off but I had to try, I suddenly hear footsteps outside the door when I hear the door open and close I turn to look at whoever was there the same masked person that got me here was standing in front of me.

"what do you want from me?" I asked, he doesn't respond but starts to walk closer to me "don't come any closer to me!", "you don't want me to take off the chains on your wrist?" he asked, "Yes I do"I respond. He takes the chains off me I rub my wrist once I am free I could feel him stare at me even though he didn't have eyes. "why am I here?" I ask "I was told to get you but you were not making it easy so I put you to sleep", "may I know who sent you to get me?" "his name is slenderman" he begins to walk to the door "wait, do you know Jeff?" he opens the door and responds "yes I do, don't go anywhere if you don't want to die" he then closes the door leaving me with more questions.

628 words
I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 13
Happy New Year

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