lukewarm 🔥
you were really good
in the stream you knowlukewarm 🔥
i now see why we got
plum to open for usbryce cake 😔👊
so you doubted us
before? RUDElukewarm 🔥
why is it every time
i try to compliment
you, you just make
a joke out of it?bryce cake 😔👊
millenial humorlukewarm 🔥
take a shot every time
i have to use 'i'm just
stressed' as an excuse
for being angry at you
holiday spirit ✓
Fanfiction⠀⠀⠀o. HOLIDAY SPIRIT! when i said i wanted secret admirer gifts, i didn't mean literally! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀a luke hemmings fic ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀© dyl / talkfast 011218 - 251218