BRYCE: "Hello all, and welcome back to the most disturbing site on Earth!"
TRAVIS: "We honestly don't know why Bryce volunteered to do this again, since you know... The goat thing happened last time."
BRYCE: "Who's we?" (He looks around the otherwise empty room.) "Are we bringing guests in?"
TRAVIS: "Nope, just us. Uh, anyway, let's read this festive thing..."
BRYCE: "Oh, his username's related to IDKHow! An intellectual!"
TRAVIS: "OK, so after that word from our sponsors--"
BRYCE: "We're back! And to recap, it's Christmas, and apparently there's a human-sized box under the tree."
TRAVIS: "Anyway, Bryce, if you were to have anyone under the tree - since we all know it'll be Aaron and/or Reece - who would you want?"
BRYCE: "Hey, Aaron isn't that bad, you know? I wouldn't be angry, if you get what I'm saying..."

holiday spirit ✓
Fanfic⠀⠀⠀o. HOLIDAY SPIRIT! when i said i wanted secret admirer gifts, i didn't mean literally! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀a luke hemmings fic ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀© dyl / talkfast 011218 - 251218