Football star or Big Brother? (Rewrite)

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Waking up to being violently shaken is not how I wanted my Monday morning to start out. I groaned, shoving away the hands that were on me. My thumb traveled to my mouth relaxing me quickly. Soon sleep surrounded me like a blanket, "Lucas... wake up." A soft voice spoke out among the silence.

"Nu..." I replied turning my back away from the voice, My face was happily met with something soft and fluffy. "Fwuffy..." I mumbled to myself.

"Come on sweetie, You can take B to breakfast if you want. Would that be okay?" Before I can even reply I felt arms pick me up and my head was laid on something hard. I shuffled a bit, "Here you go. You can have your B." The same soft and familiar item was placed on the hard object and under my head. I gave a small yawn, "Come on sleepy... Wake up."

"Nu... Nu wan... Sweepy," My eyes refused to open. I had no intention to wake open and start this terrible Monday. I don't want to do adult stuff today, that's just boring and cruel.

"But I have some yummy pancakes and a vanilla shake ready? But they are only for good little boys that wake up for their Aunties'."

My tired eyes shot open, "Shakie!" Without knowing it we were right in front of my small dining room table. On the table, there was a pastel pink plate and a blue sippy cup next to it. One golden brown pancake was on the plate just centered in the middle, with a whole bottles worth of syrup it seemed. My best friend and Auntie in little space smiled brightly down at me. A beautiful smile that I returned with a small kiss on her cheek.

"Now your gonna be a good boy and eat your food, right? Auntie Kayla needs to pick out your outfit for your big day," she told me.

"Wes, Luca be a good boy!"

"Good," She set me on the small chair and made sure I could reach everything okay. She then stepped away.

I giggled happily and started to dig into the sticky breakfast cake. It was super fluffy on the inside and cooked to perfection on the outside. "Nom Nom.," I said chewing my pancake loudly. "So yummy for my tummy... Tummy," I sang while eating and happily taking a sip of my cold shake. This is why I took so long eating anything.

"Whatcha doing baby?" Kayla asked interrupting my singing as she appearing next to me.

"Singing! And eating Pancakes!" I told her loudly, this was the only time I was allowed to yell.

"Good boy. Keep eating then silly, Then it's shower time." She told me as she ruffled my hair softly.

When I finished my breakfast, Kayla wiped my face with a napkin and let me finish my shake. I didn't tell her this but, I took my time between each swallow, I wanted to savor the flavor of my shake. Only good boys get shakes, that's what auntie tells me. So, I want to keep this shake as long as I can. Without saying anything, I got up and sprinted to the bathroom. Auntie always did the dishes in the morning but then she says I have to do some chores around the house, Like cleaning my room and the living room! Once in a while, I'll have to organize my toys and I always have to remind Auntie when to wash my paci's. We wouldn't want them all smelly, that's gross.

Luckily my room was right next to the kitchen and then the bathroom was connected to my room. I also had a very tiny spare room, It was super easy and fast to get around my tiny apartment. It was small but I liked it, It reflected who I was as a person.  I'm 5'2 which is pretty small. I'm adorable! No one can tell me different.

After my shower I found the most adorable outfit laid out and waiting on my bed for me. Laying neatly on my pillow was a pair of white overall shorts. Next to those was a pink, short sleeve shirt with a small heart, sewn on the sleeve. I quickly put on undies and part of the outfit. I saw there was also pastel pink thigh highs and a white flower crown that I missed. "Auntie! I love you!!" I yelled putting on my socks and fixing my crown on my messy hair. "So much!"

He's Mine! (dd/lb) (boyxboy) -BOOK ONE- RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now