Smexy Men

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"Nothing! Nothing, Is it okay if I finish my sculpture till the next period? I have some last creative juices in me." I rushed out to Miss May, I held my breath to see if she could tell I lied through my teeth. I smiled as she stared at me to what seemed like minutes.

"Of course sweetie! I never turn down a student! I embrace the creativity in students, Let art live on!!!" I almost laughed as she flung her arms about and practically shouted her love of art. "I have freshmen working on painting their souls this period! But you can happily work on the high top tables to finish your masterpiece!" I nodded at her words and quickly headed inside before she started to talk anymore.

Walking to the far side of the room, I tried to think of something other than Ryan shirtless. Let me tell you it was extremely hard not to think about how it practically glowed under the gym lights. How even from a distance I could see beads of sweat running down his chest. My cheeks flushed at the thought of him, I immediately shook my head. "Stop," I whispered to myself. Lord knows that I don't need to be fantasizing about the star athlete right now. Lord knows I don't have a chance with a guy like him. I frowned, Kenzie would be on me like a hawk on a baby bunny. I would never hear the end of it from her.

I jumped out of my thoughts when the class bell rang and freshmen flooded in the room. At this time I decided it was a good time to put headphones on and start working on my sculpture. Putting on my headphones and starting my music, I headed to grab my sculpture from the back. It was still pretty soft from the last time I touched it so I was excited. It didn't take long for me to get in the groove of working with the clay, that was until I got a text message from Kayla.

'God! It's getting pretty steam here.' I read quickly. I rolled my eyes as my fingers typed quickly on the screen,

'You saw nothing!'

I could almost hear Kayla cackle from just reading her next text message. 'This man has the body of a god!!!!!! Mmmmmm don't you wish you could just lick those abs?'

'Kayla stop!' I blushed rose red and almost slammed my head on the table ruining my sculpture.

'Mmm his shorts are slipping, can see that V line...'

I wanted to throw my phone against the wall but typed aggressively on my phone instead. 'Kayla, this is not a porn video stop it! I don't need to know these details!' I groaned loudly, I absolutely did not need this right now. A hundred percent did not need this to happen right now.

'We have free time, get your bubble butt over here right now.'

I quickly packed up my stuff, washed my hands and put my clay materials away. I raced out of the room and down the hall, only slowing down when I passed some of the security guards. When I finally got to the gym I peeked around the open door for Kayla, she was sitting on the bleachers towards the tippy top. She was in a light pink skirt and a white crop top on, she, of course, was texting away on her phone. Scanning the gym I only saw Kayla, a few people running on the track and the coach in his office. Kayla never once looked up as I strolled up to her and sat next to her.

"Hey babes!" She said, finally looking up and smiling. I gave her my best, you lying bitch face. "What is that look for?? I didn't even do anything!" She said defensively.

"Oh, yeah?" She nodded, "Then what were all those text messages about, hm? I'm pretty sure they weren't my imagination now were they Kay?"

"I'm sorry?" She paused. "But I don't know what you are talking about at all..." I instantly rolled my eyes, She is such a brat sometimes.


"Fine... Fine! Mcneely was just coaching football players so we all just sat and talked. You can not blame me for giving you a sneak peek at what you were missing this hour. Mmmmm so hot! I swear I would tap that if you weren't my bestie. You can't blame me for looking though, I think everyone was looking. Even the guys were watching him, that's how hot it was babes." I could only dream of what he looked like all sweaty and hot. But alas smexy dreams don't work like that. The tragedy!

He's Mine! (dd/lb) (boyxboy) -BOOK ONE- RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now