Chapter 7: Good Morning

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Hermione woke up the next morning feeling even more exhausted than when she had fallen asleep. She hadn't woken to an alarm, which made her worry that she had overslept and was late for work. She reached for her wand on her bedside table, but it wasn't there.

She shot up in bed when she realized she wasn't in her room.

She blinked and looked around, wondering where she was. Then events from the previous night came rushing back to her and filled her with dread.

She wasn't going to be going to work at all today because Draco Malfoy had taken her prisoner.

She looked at the clock on her bedside table and saw that the time was 7:25 a.m. She recalled Malfoy telling her that he'd have breakfast ready at 8 a.m. if she wanted to eat.

Having no desire to see him today or ever, she made a silent resolution to skip breakfast and stay in bed as long as possible. However, her stomach growled in protest and she remembered she hadn't eaten dinner last night.

Instead of a lovely dinner with what she had thought would be a new and exciting date, she had gotten a night of terror at the hands of a Death Eater.

She recalled her nightmare and the even more unpleasant events that had followed it. Malfoy had come into her room and tried to comfort her. Not just tried, she admitted begrudgingly, he had succeeded. The memory of his hands on her, her own fingers on his bare chest, and his gentle voice soothing her, filled her with fury and embarrassment.

It wasn't right. She hated that he had seen her like that. So distraught and weak. And more importantly, she hated that he had the audacity to try to help her. She didn't want his help. She didn't want anything from him.

If it wasn't for the fact that she needed to attempt to escape to save Harry, she would have resigned herself to staying in the room for the entire time she was there, just to avoid seeing Malfoy again.

But she couldn't allow herself that luxury. If Harry got Draco's message, he would surely come to help her, putting himself in great danger. Hermione couldn't let that happen. She needed to find a way out before Harry arrived.

That thought, as well as another loud growl of her stomach, caused her to swing her legs out of bed and walk towards the closet.

As much as she despised the idea of seeing Draco Malfoy this morning, she knew she needed to eat and keep her strength up, especially if she was going to find her way out of this prison he had her in.

She had been so distraught last night, she had removed her boots and fallen asleep in the dress she had been wearing. Now it felt grubby and uncomfortable. She needed a shower and change of clothes.

She remembered Draco telling her that there were clothes for her in the closet and, although she hated the thought of wearing anything he provided for her, she knew she couldn't spend the next week in her black dress.

Opening the closet, she was surprised to find a large array of very nice Muggle clothing. There was a variety of shirts, jumpers, slacks, jeans, skirts, dresses, and shoes. They all looked expensive.

She grabbed a navy and white striped top, a pair of jeans, and red ballet flats and shut the door.

Then she went to the dresser and opened the top drawer to find a small selection of silk nightgowns folded up. She pulled one out and gawked at it. It was light turquoise and the softest thing she had ever touched. It had thin spaghetti straps and looked like it would fall just at her ankles. It was beautiful but not at all something she would normally wear to bed.

She stuffed it back in the drawer and opened the next one, hoping to find some cotton t-shirts and pajama pants, which was what she normally slept in, and instead found a selection of tasteful yet elegant bras and panties. She grabbed a set roughly then slammed the drawer shut.

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