chapter three: the magic goose

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  "That's what Christmas memories are made from. They're not planned; they're not scheduled. Nobody puts them in their blackberry. They just happen."  

~Deck the Halls


Kelsey picked up an old, handmade ornament that she had made in second grade. It was a mass of green-painted popsicle sticks that were meant to resemble a Christmas tree, but she remembered the glue still being wet when she had to take it home, so it had been a little lopsided as it dried.

In the center of the "tree" was a picture of her in second grade. Her hair was a frizzy mess and could only be partially tamed by a thick white headband. One front tooth was missing and the other was just peeking through. Her round face certainly complimented the purple Barbie lip gloss she was wearing. Definitely not one of her finest moments.

"Who's that?" Ethan asked, peering over her shoulder. "Is that you?!"

"If you laugh, I'm gonna kill you," Kelsey threatened.

Ethan backed away, lifting his hands, but already cracking up. "I just have one question."

Kelsey glared at him. "What?"

"Did you stick your finger in a light socket or something before you took that picture, or...?"

Kelsey snickered and shoved past him, making her way to the tree and hanging it up near the back.

"I like that picture, Kelsey!" Grandma Rosamie complained, frowning from her wheelchair perch. "Ilagay sa harap!"

"C'mon, Grandma, I look like a blow-dried rat, I'm not putting it in front."

"Do as she says," Ethan crooned quietly. "She scares me."

Kelsey slumped her shoulders and moved the ornament towards the side. "There. Compromise."

The strong scent of apple cider immediately made Kelsey's stomach flutter with warmth.

She turned and saw her mom coming out of the kitchen with a tray of mugs. "Merry Christmas!"

Becca came down the stairs then, a worried expression on her face. "Anna, I'm sorry, but does this place have a sauna? My skin is just not used to this cold weather, and I think it's starting to dry out."

Her mom shot Kelsey a confused glance and Kelsey patted her shoulder. "I'll take care of this."

Kelsey stepped forward and clasped Becca's hands. "A lot of normal people don't have saunas."

Becca blinked. "Then how are you supposed to detox?"

"We just have to stick to the old water-drinking and lotion-rubbing method," Kelsey explained, feigning compassion. "Just pretend that you're roughing it in the wild for a few more days, okay?"

Becca glowered.

"The tree looks great!" her mom exclaimed.

Kelsey picked up a steaming mug of cider and stood back a little ways. Even though it was still only half decorated, the white lights surrounding the burly tree glistened around red, silver, and sparkly ornaments. It highlighted the old, worn-out ornaments that she and her family had made when they were little, their childhoods smattered across the branches.

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