Chapter #36

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Tyreke's POV

"Ty, that doesn't go there. The baby shower starts in a few hours & everything is all wrong." She cried.

"What the fuck is you crying for?" She was getting so fucking sensitive. It was a couple weeks left until my daughter got here & the closer it got the more emotional Sarah got.

"Because it's ugly. My mom hasn't came back, the food isn't ready & what if no one shows up?" She said still crying. She sat down, put her head in her hands & cried. I seriously don't got time for this shit.

"Yo moms just left 15 minutes ago, this shit don't start for another 4 or 5 hours & you already complaining? You need to hurry up & have her so you can chill the fuck out." I said finishing putting up the It's A Girl sign.

"You so fucking rude." She threw the pillow from the sofa at me.

I wasn't even trying to be here, but since that's my kid I decided to help her out. I invited my boy so I can have somebody to chill with though. I wasn't trying to be the only nigga here bored out my mind.

"Is that all you needed me to do?" I asked finishing up the decorations she asked me to hang up. She looked around the living room then smiles.

"Yes, it looks so much better. Thank you baby." She came over hugged then kissed me. "I'm going to get dressed. If anyone comes while I'm upstairs, tell them I'll be down in a minute." She walked upstairs & I finally sat down & relaxed.

"Where Sarah?" Kisha walked in & asked. I looked over at her & nodded upstairs.

I texted Marshun to see when was he gon get here. I was bored as shit & trying to get high.

After Sarah moms got here, I helped her with the food then went to check on Sarah. She been upstairs hella long, so I needed to go make sho she was aight. I walked in her room & she was laid out sleep. I shook my head then went over & woke her up.

"Bae. Get up." I shook her. "How you fall asleep at yo own baby shower?" I sat on her bed. She frowned up at me & slowly sat up.

"I was tired. Is anybody here yet?" She asked.

"Not yet. Yo moms back with the food & stuff though." I helped her out of bed then we went downstairs.

"Hey sis. You finally awake." Kisha said hugging her sister. "You look so cute." Kisha smiled.

"Thank you." Sarah responded looking around the empty room. When the doorbell rang, she finally put a smile on her face. "Ugh. Why are you here?" She said changing her mood real quick.

"I was invited." Marshun answered walking in.

"This sucks. I should have never had a baby shower." Sarah complained. She flopped down on the couch & folded her arms. The doorbell rang again, but she didn't even bother getting up.

"I got it." I walked over & opened the door. This time it was 2 of her home girls. Aniya & Jazzy. Aniya had on a lil ass skirt. She always dressed like a lil thot, but I can guarantee you she wasn't one, yet. When she walked in me & Marshun both looked down at her ass.

"So this how you come to yo friend baby shower?"

"I always dress like this so shut the fuck up." She noticed us looking then pulled her skirt down as much as she could.

Aniya was hella cute & far from easy. I'm not gon lie. I been trying to fuck with her for a hot minute. I don't think I ever saw her with a nigga. Either she gay or loyal as shit to Sarah.

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