Chapter #35 Pt. 2

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I jumped up sweating. I looked at the time & it was a few minutes until 11. The doorbell rang which caused me to jump. I knew it had to be Marshun.

"Oh thank God it was a dream." I said to myself wiping some tears.

That felt so real. Now, I'm a little nervous to see him. What if that dream was some kind of a warning?

I checked to make sure it was him then cracked open the door. I asked him to go to the garage & then shut & locked the door then ran to open the garage. Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach the further up the garage opened.

"What up?" Marshun spoke smiling. He looked around a little as he stepped in.

"Hi." I spoke back shyly. He had that exact same smile that he had in my dream. I'm just hoping that this little meet up goes good & he's nothing like he was in my dream.

"You alright?" He asked. He walked over to the sofa & took a seat. He looked around the garage once more then looked at me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was asleep, You woke me up." I said. I was so glad that he did. I walked over & sat on the other sofa.

"Why you look so scared? I'm not gon hurt you." He sat his phone on the table & looked at me.

"I know." I half lied. I really don't know that. "So what to talk about?" I asked trying to get the conversation started & over real quick.

"Us. I mean not us like that, but what we going to do about this." He nodded toward my stomach.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm not even going to answer that & say what's on my mind." I looked down. I know he most likely would rather me kill it or him not be around. I might be over thinking, but thinking about that hurts a little.

"Ok. I just want to take Dna test once he or she is born. I really need to know who the dad is. If you are, you don't have to be there & I won't try to force you or anything. I just have to know."

"If it's mine I'll be there." He reassured. I started to get nervous. Please don't let this conversation start going the same way as it did in my dream.

"Really? You didn't want to before." I wonder where the change of heart came from.

"I know. I was scared. I'm not that fucked up of a person you probably think I am. And if it's mine then I do want my kid to know me. I know I'm gon have a lot of explaining to do to a whole lot of people, but that's my problem & my fault, not ya'll so I won't treat ya'll like it is." He kind of shocked me.

"I'm really glad to hear that. I just want to know where did this change come from?"

"I was thinking hard about it. If I'm going to be a daddy then I can't just be having a kid of mine running around here not knowing who I am. And I see you not that girl I thought you was at the party. You deserve better."

"And what girl did you think I was?"

"A hoe. No disrespect. That's what I thought because that's what you showed. Then when I heard that you was pregnant, I thought you was some lil thot running around trying to pin yo baby on whoever would claim it. But Miguel stepped up before anybody & you still on a search so I see you not looking for a hero. You really want yo baby to have it's dad around. I see that was just one bad ass night for you & a mistake we all made."

I wiped away a tear that rolled down my face. My baby suddenly started moving. It must was feeling the same way I did right now. I looked down at my stomach & placed my hand on it's hand or foot.

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