Chapter #47

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Marshun never did come last night & to be honest, I was glad

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Marshun never did come last night & to be honest, I was glad. I haven't gotten any sleep at all since Dior's been here. I probably would've never got the little sleep that I did get if he would have came.

When I woke up this morning to my baby crying, I saw that he had texted letting me know that he was going to just come in the morning. That was fine. I was a little rested up so I was ok.

Miguel left last night as well so things shouldn't be as awkward as they would be if he had stayed. I just hope Marshun does get here before Miguel gets back.

I replied telling him that was ok with me & gave him the floor & room number. I looked down at Dior as I fed him. He slowly opened his eyes then drifted back off to sleep. This baby really doesn't want me to see him awake. I'm exchanging him for a new baby. Lol

After I fed & burped him, I took off his hospital onesie, wiped him down with a baby wipe then got him dressed in something cute. It was cold in here so I dressed him in something a little bit more warm.

 It was cold in here so I dressed him in something a little bit more warm

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I laid back then laid him on my chest & turned on the tv. A knock came on the door then it opened. It was food. & thank Goodness because I was starving. Since my mom had work I couldn't ask her to bring me anything & Miguel is probably at home sleep.

I laid Dior in the little bed then ate. They gave me a blueberry muffin, sausage, eggs & fruit. I always hear people say that hospital food was nasty, but this looked pretty good.

When I finished I got up to use the bathroom & change. All Dior did was sleep so I wasn't worried about him waking up & crying any time soon. But I was scared that someone might come in & take him like that lady stole that baby from the hospital when she was like 8 hours old. I swear I'll tear this city up to find my son.

I took a really quick shower so that I can hurry up & get to my son. I tossed the hospital gown in the bin in the bathroom, got dressed then walked back out into the room. I was gone maybe 7 minutes. I made sure I took a quick shower.

When I went back into the room I stopped & smiled. Marshun was standing over Dior staring at him. I didn't interrupt. It was a cute sight to see. He must've felt my presence because he looked back & smiled.

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