Chapter 7: The First Day (Part 2)

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Hi everyone, SylveonKwami here.  I hope you're all excited for this chapter... it might be a bit shorter than usual, so sorry about that.  The next update won't be until after Christmas... so I'm sorry for leaving you on a short chapter!!! ;-;

Anyways, let's start.  Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it!

Enjoy \(^u^)/


Adrien yawned, waking up from a well-deserved rest.  He stretched his arms, and blinked his eyes a few times to get rid of the blurriness.  Where am I?

Last night was a little foggy, but when he noticed that the entire field of his vision was surrounded in a pink bubble, he couldn't help it.  He screamed.

"Kid, stop!  You'll blow our cover," Plagg complained, and Adrien turned to face him.  He suppressed a gasp at the sight that his kwami was basically as big as him, but then suddenly the events of last night came back.

The akuma.

When he got shrunk and abandoned.

Their reveal.

Their confession.

The part where he fell asleep in her hand... he blushed when he thought about that, quickly becoming embarrassed.  

Suddenly, out of the blue, there was a movement in the bubble as it moved, and started to sway side to side.  He tried to grab onto something to steady himself... but there was nothing to grab onto.  Adrien looked up as another large object came in contact with it the bag, stopping it from swaying... a hand?

"Miss, can I please go to the bathroom?" a blurry voice asked, and Adrien found it vaguely familiar... the bubble made it hard to hear.

After a few moments had passed, the bubble started to sway side to side again, the supposed "hand" thing keeping it steady on the outside.  He looked at Tikki and Plagg; Tikki didn't seem to mind it while Plagg had fallen asleep again.  Adrien thought to himself... was it his lady outside the bubble?  He pressed himself against the wall... it was soft.  Like... fabric.  Fabric like a bag.

He was in his lady's bag.

Adrien sighed.  That meant he was safe, right?

As quickly as the movement started, it stopped again.  Adrien looked up as the bag was opened, the light shining inside almost blinding him.  He shielded himself from the brightness, but when he looked, that same hand was reaching down for him.  Panicking, he threw himself away from it, tears starting to form in his eyes.  I don't want to feel anymore pain!

"Adrien?" the voice was soft, gentle.  "Kitty... you don't have to be scared..." 

Bluebelle eyes looked down at him, and at once he knew the person was Marinette, Ladybug, his lady.  He would recognize her face anywhere.  Adrien just looked at her helplessly, his heart pounding, blood roaring in his ears.

Almost at once, the hand moved away from him, and Tikki and Plagg flew out of the bag to give him more room.  Marinette just rested her hand in there, waiting for him.

"You don't have to be scared, Chaton," she whispered to him.  "It's only me."

Heart racing, he forced himself to walk (more like stumble) over to Mari's giant hand, and grabbed onto one of her fingers for support.  He clenched his teeth as he was lifted into the air and brought in front of Mari's face.

"That's it, Minou," Marinette said as she lifted him up.  "See?  It's just me!" she said, showing him a cheery smile.  Adrien took one look at it and calmed down.  Seeing his lady's smile always made him happy, made him whole again.  

"Tht-Thanks, Mari," he said, slowing down his breathing.  She brought him up to her shoulder, and he climbed on gratefully. 

"No problem, Chaton," she replied, giggling a little.  "Just... try not to do that in class next time, okay?"

He nodded.  "Sorry, Princess," he apologized.  He knew that their cover could have been blown right from the start.  "How did you cover for... for me?"

She put a finger to her lips.  "You let me worry about that," she said.  She bent down, and pulled a croissant out of her backpack.  "Want some?" she asked, tearing off a chunk of it for him.  "You must be starving."

"I am," he said, gratefully taking the piece of croissant (or as he called it- HEAVEN), relishing the buttery taste and flaky texture.  "Thanks," he mumbled between bites.  He finished it pretty quickly, and he felt more energized.  He hadn't slept in since... he didn't remember when, nor had he felt this full for ages.  Being a model, he was always put on a strict diet, and he never really liked it.  Being a teen, he wanted to eat stuff, and try new things, but his father always put a stop to it, saying things like "You are not normal you are my son," and other crazy things.  Adrien realized that since now he was going to be staying with Mari for the next little while, he could actually do those things.

He liked that idea.

"Y-You must be thirsty," Marinette stuttered, quickly walking down the hall to the nearest water fountain, the kwamis following close behind.  She held out a hand for him and he wasted no time getting into her cozy palm.  Smiling, she lowered him down towards the cool metal surface of the water fountain, and he stepped off when she started to pull her hand away.

"I'm gonna press the button, okay?" she asked him, and he nodded.

...Except for the fact that they forgot to account for the size of the spray of water.

To say the least, Adrien was soaked.

"S-Sorry, Adrien!" Marinette stuttered, quickly stopping the water flow and pulling him away from the fountain.  "I should've-"

"It's okay, Princess," he responded, shivering a little.  "But if it's okay, can I get dried off?"

"Y-Yes, of course," Marinette said, walking briskly to the bathroom.  When Adrien looked up, he realized it was the girls' bathroom.  He started to protest, but she told him it was fine, considering no one would see him.

Marinette walked over to the sink as Tikki and Plagg closed the door behind them.  She set him down on the counter top and went to take a huge wad of paper towel from a nearby dispenser.  

"I know it's not the best," she said earnestly, "But it's the best we've got right now."

Adrien shrugged.  "I-It's fine," he said, his teeth still chattering a little.  He didn't say anything as Marinette wrapped the paper towel around him, allowing it to soak up most of the water that got absorbed by his clothing and his hair.  And considering he couldn't really change his clothes at the moment... yeah, he needed to keep them relatively clean.  The paper towel ended up doing a good job, but he was still pretty cold, evident by his shivers.  He clutched his arms, hoping for warmth.

"You cold?  Here, I've got you," Marinette said, bringing Adrien close to her chest.  He relished the warmth, and they stayed there for a couple of minutes, just the two of them.

"You should probably go back," Adrien told her.  "Miss Bustier will be mad."

Marinette sighed.  "You're right," she said sadly.  "I'm gonna put you back in the bag now, alright?"  When Adrien nodded, he felt himself gently slide into the comfortable pink space.

"We'll talk later," she told him, waiting for the kwamis to enter before gently closing the bag.  He fell back asleep to the gentle sway of the bag as Marinette walked briskly back to class.

Hi again everyone!  Yeah, that's it for this chapter.  I have to be honest, I thought this chapter would be shorter... it's still pretty short, I guess.

Anyways, I'm gonna go now.  Have an awesome couple of weeks (And Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it!  I know I do^^)... and happy holidays!

Stay tuned ;) 

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