Chapter 15: Rising Tensions

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Hi everyone!!  SylveonKwami here.

It's super early here.  Why am I updating now??  Well, because writing this chapter literally left my heart pounding.  I'm not joking.  And I KNEW what was going to happen.  

Anyway, let's start this chapter.  As you can probably tell by the title (and the above note lol), there's gonna be some interesting stuff in this chapter!!

Enjoy :D


After a good sleep Monday night, Marinette was ready to go to school today.

Or so she thought.

It was really odd... walking to school was fine, as per the usual.  Marinette actually had a good breakfast, and so did Adrien, as well as the kwamis.  She even got a message from her parents saying that they would be back on Thursday, which was music to her ears.  All she had to do was figure out a way to hide Adrien from them, or purify the Akuma by Thursday, no big deal, right?  Okay, she might've been a little stressed by the whole situation, but that wasn't the problem.

Things were just... extremely tense.  Marinette arrive at school early, but Ms. Bustier's door was locked.  She considered it weird, because her teacher always left it open to allow students to get settled in for class early.  Marinette figured that she was probably late, no big deal, until she saw her teacher come up and ask her why the door was locked; apparently she'd come an hour earlier and had unlocked it then.  What was even more unnerving is that her entire class was waiting in there, having some sort of discussion.  It stopped as soon as she and her teacher had come in of course, almost as if it was a secret...

Oh well.  At least Alya is talking to me again-

"Hey, Ms. Bustier.  Can me and Juleka go to the washroom?" Alix suddenly asked, breaking Marinette from her train of thought.

"I'm not sure girls.  You know the rule, only one person out at a time," their teacher said firmly, shaking her head.

"But please?  Me and Juleka both need to go," Alix begged, Juleka nodding with her.

Ms. Bustier sighed.  "Fine, but be quick girls."

Both girls got up and quickly raced for the door, saying a quick thanks to Ms. Bustier as they left.  Marinette was puzzled; what was that about?  Both of them usually obey the rules, and I've even seen both of them wait before!  Something's up...

Their teacher droned on about their lesson, which was literary devices or something, Marinette just couldn't focus.  She could almost fall asleep listening to examples of 'onomatopoeia' and 'simile'.  I'm gonna a thousand hours worth of homework from this, she thought, sighing a little.  No wait- that's a hyperbole- DAMMIT this lesson is affecting me too much!  ARGH-

"Marinette, you okay?" Alya whispered to her, a smile on her face.

"Uh.. yeah, don't worry, just tired," she explained, giving a small yawn.

Their teacher turned her head towards the girls, and just as she was about to tell them off, giggling was heard from the hallway.  What are Alix and Juleka up to?  Marinette thought, watching Ms. Bustier crossly walking out into the hall.  Jeez, it's almost as if they were asking for a scolding-

"Grab her!" 

Suddenly, Marinette felt herself being roughly pulled out of her desk by Kim.  He stood in between the desks, holding her arms up so she couldn't move.  She tried kicking and screaming, but Sabrina came and put a hand on her mouth, stopping her.  Confused and scared, all she could do was watch the scene unfold; it was then she realized that Alix and Juleka left just to distract Ms. Bustier.  Alya and Chloe walked to the front of the classroom, while Marinette looked at any, any, of her classmates to come to her aid; no one moved.  She looked at Nino, who made eye-contact with her, and he silently nodded, as if saying everything was going to be okay.  No, everything is NOT okay, Nino.

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