Chapter 25: More Than An Award

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Hi everyone!!  SylveonKwami here.

Yes.. this is the final chapter.

I know.

I'll say more at the end, but a big thank-you to everyone who has been supporting this story.  Really.

Now, I won't waste time at the beginning.  For the last time, I hope you enjoy!! 


Adrien blinked his eyes, the sunlight being a little too bright at the moment.  He sat up, knowing his hair was all messy from sleep.

He looked next to him, and smiled.  There was Marinette, who had decided to stay the night with him so he would be okay.  She looked peaceful and serene, a smile on her face as she slept.  Adrien pushed a lock of hair away from her face, smiling as he did so.  Beautiful.

"About time you woke up." Adrien turned to see his kwami hovering toward him.  "It's like ten o'clock."

Adrien got out of bed and rubbed his eyes.  "So?"

"Adrien, the ceremony starts in an hour!" Tikki flew close, her voice anxious.

All at once, Adrien's heart-rate spiked.  "O-One hour!?"  Quickly, he rushed to Marinette and gently shook her shoulder.  "Mari, we need to wake up," he whispered urgently.

"F-Five more minutes," she groaned, turning over.

"Princess, we have to be at the ceremony in an hour," he said.  

Marinette woke with a start and almost flung herself out of bed in the impact.  "Oh sweet glaze on a cinnamon roll, we have to get ready!"

Adrien had to stop himself from laughing at Marinette's adorable curse.  "But.. can we?  I mean, aren't we just transforming into our regular costumes?"

"No," Plagg stated.  "Now, if you two would please do us a favour and clean yourselves up, me and Tikki can explain."

With no time to question Plagg's statement, Adrien quickly rushed to his bathroom and brushed his teeth at lightning speed.  He gave his hair a quick brush, then practically ran out to let Marinette have the space to herself.  She came out a couple minutes later, her hair in a neat bun.  I couldn't help it, I blushed a little when I saw her.

Marinette noticed and looked shy.  "Is it... is it bad?"

I shook my head.  "Quite the opposite, Princess.  You should wear your hair that way more often."

"Oh, quiet you two!" Plagg complained.  "You don't have much time, and I doubt either of you will be having breakfast-"

"We'll just snack on the buffet there," Adrien interrupted.  "There is a buffet, right-"

"Oh, for the love of Camembert, could you please stop talking!?" Plagg fumed, putting an emphasis on the word 'please'.  Adrien shut his mouth, letting his kwami continue.  "Me and Tikki went to Master Fu to receive special transformation items."

As the black-cat kwami said that, Tikki brought out a gold-coloured macaron and piece of Camembert cheese.  "It's like a power-up, only different," Tikki explained.  "We'll take them now, then you two should transform, got it?"

Both of the teenagers nodded, and watched their kwamis do a transformation.  They looked virtually the same afterward, and Adrien couldn't see the point of it.

Marinette seemed to be equally confused.  "But why-"

"Just transform," Tikki said reassuringly.  "You'll understand."

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