Chapter Five

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-Friday Evening-

"Excited about tomorrow? I know I am"

"Yeah, it took a while for my mom to accept it, but you're lucky she likes you"

"I hope so, I want to ask your parents for their blessing one day", Matt winked.

I giggled and gave him a small shove.

"I'm telling the truth, you're the blue-haired girl I want to be with for the rest of my life", Matt pulled me close and pecked my mouth. He was wonderful, I ran my finger through his fluffy hair and pecked back. The school bell rang.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late.I'm going, bye!", I grasped my bag next to my feet and headed inside. I honestly hated eating lunch outside, it just bothered me how many bugs were flying around my food and it was discusting. I walked down the hallway, only so little time to get to biology. As I picked up my pace, I saw kelly walking with her group of friends; laughing, oicking on people and not smoking because she thinks she's depressed; regular Kelly was back in the halls. I smirked and raced up the stairs. I look down at my phone, 4;28. 'Just biology and then I can leave', I said to myself. I made it up to the stairs and walked in biology class, I took a seat next to a window. I stared at the empty seats next to me, until some kind of interviewer sat next to me.

"So, you're dating Matt?"

"Yeah...", I pulled my binder out and started I look for something so it seemed I was busy.

"So, how does his kisses feel like? Magical I bet. How did it feel like to sleep with him?-"

"-Hold up. I haven't slept with him, and stop asking me these questions and leave me alone"

She giggled, "Oh, so he's going slow. Anyways, I'll leave you alone in your little depressed world Ari-cide", she stod up and started to walk off.

'Ari-cide?', I thought to myself. "Wait, what did you call me?"

She turned and smirked, "It's the new nickname, it's currently trending. Thank Kelly for it, fucking suicidal freak."

I looked down at my book and started to tear up, I can't believe Kelly actuallty started that. I knew she would never tried to help me, why would I even think that? What a bitch.

-Friday; Afterschool-

"Are you serious? She made that stupid nickname trend?", Dakota stared at me.

I sighed, "Yes! No one will let it go and it's bothering me."

"You should give them something they deserve", Dakota pulled up her fist and nodded.

"I'm not gonna attack them-"


"I'm just not gonna do anything, it'll all slide by soon."

Dakota made a pouty face, "Ugh, to think there would be action in this school again."

"Shut up Dakota, I'm not fighting anyone. it'll make things worse."

"Okay! Okay! I'll shut up.", she 'locked' her mouth and flung her arm as if she threw way a key.

"From another news to that, you know that one girl that ask questions to everyone all the time?"

Dakota noddded and picked up her water.

"Well, she asked me how did it feel like to sleep with Matt-"

Dakota spit out her water.

"Ugh, bro, that's discusting! We're in the library too-"

"-She literally asked you that?"

"Ugh yes, go get me some napkins-"

"And what else happened?"

"I said no and she said that he's going easy on me, now get me napkins."

"Okay, okay, okay.", Dakota walked over to the desk up front and grabbed a couple napkins.

I grabbed the napkins and started to wipe my pants, "Why were you freaking out?"

"Not freaking out, but just like an oh wow moment."

"Oh? Anyways, Matt's party tomorrow, please tell me youre going."

"I don't think so."



"Why a maybe?"

"Because I'm going to be the third wheel at the party."

"Whatever, we know that you're gonna get drunk and get with a guy."

"True, but I'll see."

"Okay, anyway, I'm really excited for tommorw: it's going to be our 5 month anniversary and he told me it'll be a night to remember.", I smiled.

"Hm, well doesn't that sound plesent?", Dakota smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god, I just remembered something. What am I going to wear?"

"Well it's a 'Matt Party'. Something that says, 'Hey, I'm Matt's girlfriend, so don't fuck with him because I'm so much prettier.' But then you don't want to be the "Hey, I'm the horny girlfriend and loves to get anal.'

I looked at Dakota comfused.

"Wear something comfortable but pretty. You wanna show everyone that your his in a comfortable way."

"I get you now."

"Exactly.", Dakota looked behind me, "Looks like the madre is here."

I turned around and back at Dakota, "See you tomorrow?", I grasped my back as I kept staring at Dylan.

"Possibly, now go. You've got a big day tomorrow.", Dakota winked.

I rolled my eyes, playfully and waved goodbye.

-Friday NIght-

Message from: My Baby! <3

Can't wait for tomorrow babe ;)


'He put a wimnky face?'. I questioned myslef. 

Sending message to: My Baby! <3 

Me either babe ;)


I literally had no idea what was up, but I was going with it. For the rest of the night, Matt and I just started to text and send winky faces, he tried to talk dirty, but I didn't play along at that part. Finally I dropped my phone and passed out.

Goodnight as I said to myself, smiling and thinking about tomorrow.

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