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"Hi there, my name is Miea Henry and I am twenty-one years old. I am applying for the position of Janitor or any other available post at your establishment. I believe that my skill set, personality, and education will have me be a suitable candidate for the job." Who am I kidding who needs any of this to be a janitor? I rolled my eyes and nibbled on the pen cover as I became more frustrated. I really need to get a job before I get evicted from my college dorm room. I thought to myself.
A couple of hours later I have completed and emailed my application to the Head of Department Office at Garry Miles University, however unfortunately for me, this is where I attend university three times a week. Life sucks and I am beginning to believe that it will continue to suck.
As the phone rings I dashed across the tiny living room in hopes that it was a good message that I am about to receive, boy was I wrong.
"Hello," I answered on the third ring trying my best to mask the sound of me gasping for air.
"Hello, Good morning is this Ms. Henry? I am calling from Garry Miles University in relation to an email you sent for the position of janitor." The polite lady stated. "Yes this is she," I responded. "I am calling to inform you about the scheduled interview tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the university ask to speak with Mrs Gills, come with comfortable shoes, please specify whether or not you will be able to attend." She stated this as though cleaning toilets was considered to be one of the best jobs ever and I should be lucky to receive such an opportunity. Believe me, I'm not saying that I don't appreciate it it's just that I don't feel like the 'luckiest' person out there. I mean it's quite evident I am about to say yes to a job that is perceived to be trash whilst I am being paid peanuts.

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