In the Moment

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Forced Ties Chapter 2

Jimin froze as Taehyung suddenly wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. He rested his head on Jimin's shoulder and whispered, "Why are you so beautiful?"

It sent shivers down Jimin's back, causing him to straighten his posture. "Hmm? Tell me," Taehyung asked, staring into Jimin's eyes. Jimin felt hot and insecure. His face was starting to turn into a tomato.
"Wh- where's Jungkook?"

"Jungkook? Don't worry about him babe," Taehyung said in a deep voice, rubbing Jimin's thighs. Jimin gasped as Taehyung's hand moved closer to his crotch. Their face getting closer and closer, lips almost connecting.

"Tell me beautiful, how am I this lucky?"

"This is not luck!" Jimin shouted as he shot his eyes wide opened. "Oh, thank god," he breathed. "It was just a dream."

Jimin was glad, but he had forgotten how his night with Jungkook ended. He doesn't recall sending him off or anything.

That didn't matter to Jimin today though, because today is the day they'll go see the wedding venue in person. He was excited since the photos of it looked extremely beautiful. The wedding venue isn't the only thing Jimin's excited to see.

"Jimin," Taehyung called. "It's lovely to see you again," he stressed. Jimin rolled his eyes and played along.
"It's not like I wanted to see you anyways," he grumbled. Taehyung raised his brows then blew him a kiss before following his parents inside.

It has a beautiful building, but they wanted the wedding outside. Luckily, this venue had so many features to it. There was a pavilion, big enough to hold the ceremony. Jimin could see it all coming together. "Psh, what are you so happy about?" Taehyung asked as he notices Jimin's beaming face.
"The layout to the wedding. It'll look so beautiful!" Jimin exclaims, clapping his hands. Taehyung chuckled and leaned towards his groom.
"I hate the idea of this wedding," he scowled. "See you later Chim."

Jimin's excitement went away. Taehyung didn't have to say that to him, even though of course he feels the same. He probably doesn't even know what Jimin does for a living, probably why he didn't understand his excitement. Jimin scoffed, "Whatever. I don't even know how he gets his rude ass alive either."

He stomped to the car and got in, waiting for his parents. Just as he was going off about how rude Taehyung was in his head, he just realized Taehyung called him Chim. "He- he developed a nickname for me already?" He questioned himself. His strong brows and deadly eyes softened at that realization. "I guess, I guess he isn't that bad," he said and fell back into the soft cushion.

There was a knock on the window. Jimin turned to see just who could be bothering him right now. Standing there was Taehyung, he smiled and motioned for Jimin to get out. Sighing, he opened the door.
"Our parents want to talk to us about something," Taehyung answered.
"Oh, okay," Jimin said and quickly followed Taehyung back inside.

"Taehyung," Mrs. Kim beamed. "You guys can't just go wandering off, we have lots to discuss."
"Sure sure," Taehyung said plainly, shifting all of his weight to one leg.
"Which side of the pavilion should be the entrance?" She asked.
"Really?" Taehyung mumbles.
"Hmm, oh! This should work because it's longer this way, and by the way the bushes stand around the perimeter, it'll give a completed look to guests walking in," Jimin said full of charisma, even though that should've been common sense.
"That's true," their wedding planner agreed. Taehyung was the only one looking at Jimin oddly, still confused on why he has so much energy.
"Alright, that'll do," Mrs. Park said. "Now we can go sit down and review the details."

By we, she meant the parents and the wedding planners. Taehyung walked off, leaving Jimin alone. He looked around before deciding to walk the other direction. He was kind of lost, but he didn't care because the scenery was amazing. This venue was at the top and near the edge of a mountain. Jimin carefully walked to the edge of the marble gazebo that hung off the edge. He sunk into the rail and sighed. It was peaceful there, and no buildings were in sight. Just some fields, trees, and flowers. The gazebo was bigger than usual. It was about fifty feet wide along the edge, and the roof was so high up.
"Why are you always following me?" Jimin turned around, spotting Taehyung who walked into the gazebo.
"Excuse me? Clearly I was here first," Jimin scoffed and stood up straight.
"Right Chim, you just can't get enough of me can you?" Taehyung teased and smirked.
"Yea totally, since you're sooooo 'charming'." Jimin glared at Taehyung.
"Gosh you scare me sometimes," Taehyung said as he walks next to Jimin and rested his arms on the railing. He was enjoying the scenery too. Jimin let it all go, and looked back out. It really was nice, for boys in the city.

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