It's only You

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Forced Ties Chapter 11 : It's only You

Talking to Seokjin was no help at all. He didn't agree with Jungkook, only making his day worse. So instead, Jungkook went over to Yoongi's.

"Jimin? Isn't he married?" Yoongi returned from the kitchen with two beer cans, handing one to Jungkook before taking a seat.
"Yea, but it was arranged. I didn't think our relationship would come out this way, since Taehyung didn't like Jimin at first anyways," Jungkook says, lifting his beer can to his mouth.
"It's always like that man, at least in books and shit." Jungkook nodded at Yoongi, taking another drink from the can. He's now thinking the only person he could talk to about Jimin, was Jimin.

So there he was, outside of the couple's new home. "Jungkook, hey," Jimin says after opening the door for him. "Come in."
Jungkook looked around, it seemed awfully quiet. "Nice house."
"Thanks." Jimin led him to the living room, where they settled on the sofa. "So, is something bothering you, or you just wanna hang?"

Jungkook wasn't exactly sure if he was ready to tell Jimin he still has feelings for him, or just spend another day with him while he still can. Taehyung obviously wasn't home, and if he really wanted to, he could kiss Jimin right here, right now. But he wouldn't, because it was wrong. He can't keep chasing after a married man, especially since they're friends, good friends. "I just wanna go out, so I came to get you."

"Oh," Jimin chuckled. "Why didn't you just call to meet up or something?" Jungkook only laughed along, as he ruffles his hair. He stayed seated on the sofa, waiting for Jimin to return from upstairs. This idea was no good either, taking Jimin out like this. It was just shopping, but he already felt guilty. Taehyung and him are already good with each other now, and when Taehyung finds out that he's the one who took his gorgeous husband out, things will be ruined again. Who knows if it'll be fixed again or not.

"Alright, let's go," Jimin says, already making his way to the door. They got in the car, but Jungkook felt like leaving alone. Jimin turned on the radio, and began humming along quietly.

They got to the shopping mall, and Jungkook wanted to take Jimin home. But Jimin began talking about how it's been so long since he's gone shopping. They were looking at clothes, and Jungkook wanted to tell Jimin what's bothering him. But Jimin began talking about Taehyung. "He's been so busy these days. Hopefully I can find some nice clothes for him."

They entered a pricier shop, and Jimin was already grabbing everything off the racks, running in and out of the changing rooms. Since he was busy shopping for someone else, Jungkook was looking through some shirts. He picked out tight and loose ones, knowing both fit Jimin well. But something in a case to his right catches his eyes. Jungkook held onto the shirts, and walks over to the jewelry. There was a beautiful diamond ring. One simple and chic. "Can I take a look at the diamond ring?" Jungkook tried the ring on his pinky finger. It was a bit lose, probably a perfect fit for Jimin's index or middle finger. And so he bought it. He bought the diamond ring, and the shirts.

Jimin was nowhere to be found. Who knows if he's in the changing room, or hidden somewhere between the clothing racks. Jungkook took one last look, then decided on waiting outside for his friend.

"Jungkook! Sorry I took so long," Jimin says as he walks out of the store, he carried two large bags with him.
"It's fine, you haven't been out for some time now. Take your time to enjoy today," Jungkook smiles, leading Jimin to the next store. It continued on like this, both exploring shop after shop.

"I'm hungry," Jungkook said, pouting. He tilted his head, and patted his belly. Jungkook felt slightly embarrassed acting cute in front of Jimin. It was like a rare sighting.
"Ah, Jungkook," Jimin looked away, hiding his smile. "St-stop it." He giggles and lightly pushes Jungkook. "If you're hungry, then let's go get some pasta. I've been craving Italian food."

They placed the bags in the car, and drove to Jimin's favorite Italian restaurant. The memories almost made Jungkook confess, almost. He almost did something he'll regret for the rest of his life. Yet, if he doesn't tell Jimin soon, he'll also regret that for the rest of his life. It was better to move on now, than hold onto a piece of Jimin forever. Jungkook had to make a decision. It was all too soon, too fast to decide what he wanted yet. All he knew was that it was time to send Jimin home.

The ride back, Jimin was humming quietly again. Bobbing his head slowly to the music, fingers tapping light on different surfaces.

They reached Jimin's place faster than Jungkook thought. Jimin was already grabbing his bags, ready to go inside. Jungkook quickly grabbed the bag, and followed Jimin to the door. "Jimin, a little something for you."
"You bought so much for Taehyung, I just wanted to make sure you have something to bring home for yourself too," Jungkook said, hoping it sounded better than it currently did in his head.
"Aww, thanks Jungkook, you're always thinking of me."

Then he was gone. Jungkook shoved one hand in his pocket, playing with his keys in the other. He stared at the door as he makes his way back to the car. "Someday, I'll tell you."

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